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  "SO HAVE YOU talked to Schmidt yet?"

  Shaking her head at Cece, Elise drew a sip from her hot chocolate and sighed at the reminder of a discussion she still needed to have with Schmidt. Ever since Schmidt had called Elise his girlfriend, there had been some kind of tension between them, but neither had managed to make a move and therefore it was either awkward silence between the two, or avoiding each other — and frankly, it was mostly leaning towards the latter.

  Elise had been spending a huge amount of time with Cece and Jess lately, despite her fear of social situations but they had grown closer with each day and right now, they were out and walking back to the apartment after buying some coffee. Or in Elise's case, cocoa. Elise did miss Schmidt and the chats they had a tendency to have in the middle of the night, and the warm hugs naturally, but she wasn't very good at confrontation and that had led into avoiding the man in order to avoid the conversation, as well. She did want to be Schmidt's girlfriend, but getting there was the hard part.

  "Well, you should, because—", Jess began as they were about to cross the road but out of nowhere, a large black car approached them with ferocious speed and just as it was about to swerve by the side of the road and hit the three woman, Elise managed to pull Jess out of the way. Cece jumped backwards as well, all of them equally startled and shocked by the rude driver, who just kept on speeding away from them.

  "Hey, watch where you're going!", Jess yelled and Cece helped her, both of the women yelling at the reckless driver until the car halted and started to back towards them, causing them to fall into undeniable fear. "Oh boy, oh— Sorry, sorry, my bad!", Jess tried to fix the situation and clutched onto Elise, who started to freak out and grew the desire to make a run for it but instead, she just held onto Jess and prayed that they'd survive. She had seen enough movies to know that these kind of situations never ended well.

  However, this time turned out to be quite the opposite and as soon as the car had approached them again, the three women received the best news of the week and kept on smiling and giggling as they returned to the loft. Once the situation with the woman driving the car was settled, they went back home and Jess eagerly opened the front door before they could rush in with the exciting news they had, only to find a surprising sight in the hallway between their bedrooms. There they were — all four guys, holding up underwear and struggling to move it from the dryer and as soon as Elise, Jess and Cece arrived they all froze and stared at them like deers in headlights.

  "You know, I don't even care. Something amazing just happened!", Jess gushed and nudged Elise, who nodded her head rapidly to confirm the statement.

  "We almost got hit by a car", Elise began, and she could see the color in Schmidt's face draining so she quickly continued. "And after getting the driver's attention, we thought we were going to die, but she was actually really sorry", she explained, before letting Jess pick up where she left off, profoundly uncomfortable with talking so much. As she shut her mouth and settled for smiling happily, she glanced at Schmidt and found him staring with adoration visible in his green eyes, causing her heart to beat a bit faster while she directed her gaze back to Jess.

  "So she invited us to her boss' party, and they're sending a limo, and guess who her boss is?", Jess spoke excitedly, and with that, the three women started to jump around, up and down and screaming together.

  "It's Prince! We're going to Prince's party!"

  And indeed, tonight, the women were going to a party thrown by Prince himself and Elise was certain it was going to be one of the best nights of her life. Especially if she could finally, eventually, talk to Schmidt and make things official with him.

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