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  ON A SIMPLE Thursday evening Elise was spending at the store, she understood that she had never told her friends how she had a younger sister, Emma, a few years younger than her and with a personality entirely, drastically different from hers. The realization came to her along with an invite to Emma's wedding, which was a massive surprise, but in a way, not unexpected at all. While Elise had always been the one to think everything through and worry about everything, consider the consequences and pay attention to other people's opinions and feelings, Emma did whatever she liked and played by her own rules. Packed with determination, grit and the rebel phase she really never grew out of, Emma was impulsive and it was exactly her style to announce a wedding two days prior to the event.

  It came as a complete surprise to Elise, and she suspected it was the same for Emma, but her sister wasn't a complete fool nor one to get married to someone she didn't truly care of, and therefore she instantly replied to the invitation with a smiley face and a promise of her presence at the wedding. Surely it was unexpected, but she was still happy for Emma, and she hoped that her friends would feel the same way when she'd suggest going to the party together. It was partly because Elise really didn't want to show up alone, partly because she felt like the people she lived with didn't know enough of her yet, and introducing them to her family was one way to do it.

  That was why she made a mental note to bring the subject up during dinner later that night, and prayed for the best.


  "So, I got a message from my sister today", Elise started the conversation — a shocking plot twist in all of their lives, yes — as they were all munching on pizza she had grabbed on her way to the loft. Jess looked up with a delighted expression, and the others seemed equally interested in finding out more about this sister of hers, and Elise was more than willing to explain. Although Emma was nothing like her, except she too carried a sensitive side somewhere within her, they had been best friends growing up and still stayed in contact actively. Elise had never been very social, and considering she had shared a room with Emma for a large portion of her childhood, they had grown close and that hadn't changed despite living in different states nowadays.

  "She's getting married", Elise informed, and finished her slice quickly before exhaling deeply and deciding it was best to just spit the suggestion out there instead of twirling it in her mouth. "I know it's sudden since we haven't known each other for very long, but I really don't want to go alone and I thought it would be nice if you guys met my family, so... Do you want to travel to Arizona with me?", she proposed while nervously closing her napkin in her fist and glancing around to find any kind of reactions from the faces surrounding her.

  And luckily, they all seemed to like the idea.

  "That sounds awesome! Yes!", Nick spoke enthusiastically, and smacked his hand against the table in excitement, making Elise smile at the positive reaction.

  Jess rolled her eyes, but then placed her hand on top of Elise's and smiled supportingly. "I can't wait to meet your family, El. I bet they're all just as cute as you!", she stated with excitement filling her tone, and Elise gave her a grateful look whilst a hint of blush crept to her cheeks. She glanced at Winston and Schmidt just to make sure they were supporting the plan as well, but obviously the both of them were grinning widely and Elise felt silly for even doubting their enthusiasm.

  "Oh, one more thing...", Elise cleared her throat and tried to smile innocently as she dropped the bomb. "We have to leave tomorrow."


  Elise had traveled by airplane once or twice before, one of the times being when she moved away from home to Los Angeles where she got her fresh start, yet the experience was still frightening and tore apart her nerves one by one until she was a shaky, anxious mess on the small seat. The group of friends had decided that flying to Arizona would be the easiest method, especially after Elise had invited Cece to join them in order to get to know her better, as she was after all good friends with everyone else. Cece was seated beside Jess behind Elise, who was sitting next to Schmidt naturally, and in front of them were Nick and Winston, the two of them already bickering over a bag of candy.

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