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JUST LIKE ELISE had expected, Schmidt didn't hold back on either class nor price, and took Elise to what seemed to be the most expensive restaurant in their area instead of an average bar. Admittedly, perhaps he was trying to impress Elise but he had done that a long time ago and whatever activities or locations he would choose for their date, the woman would be more than delighted, just because she got to spend the evening with him. A part of her was, truthfully, somewhat disappointed for having to give up her personal alone time, but when she weighed her options, going out with Schmidt sounded a lot better.

  Even if it was awkward and quiet, just what Elise had feared. It was certainly not as casual and laid-back as she had hoped for, and they seemed to have zero topics to handle over dinner, leading into a painful silence despite being good friends already. But apparently, going out on a date and having breakfast together were two very different things. It didn't help that Elise was terrible at flirting and dating in general, and going out with someone she actually loved was even worse. On top of that, Schmidt seemed to be equally silent and out of things to say despite being rather outgoing and talkative otherwise.

  Due to being an extremely insecure, anxious person, Elise couldn't help but doubt herself. Was it her fault? Was Schmidt simply not interested in her, after all? Had the dress, and the thick lipstick been too much? Was she chewing too loudly, staring too much, smiling oddly?

  Frankly, it was not her fault and she hadn't done anything wrong. If anything, it was the mere opposite and Schmidt found himself shy and unable to speak due to the woman opposite him being so undeniably gorgeous and perfect in every possible way. She was often so unable to see it herself, but Schmidt did in fact look at her like she was the most important thing in the world, like she was all that mattered, all she needed and that deep, deep love that ran throughout him was why he was so quiet. Because even if he was Schmidt, so confident and brave, Elise brought out a side that he hadn't explored in a long time. She made him feel like the luckiest man on Earth, yes, but she also made him utterly, absolutely weak.

  However, Elise wasn't the only one who noticed the awkwardness of the dinner. And once Schmidt understood that it was because they weren't used to being so formal with each other, he took out his phone to ask for a favor from Nick in order to bring back the casual atmosphere. Elise was still eating the remains of the salmon she had ordered, but she noticed his phone anyway, and started to scream internally. Was she that unbearable to be with? Obviously, she didn't know the truth, and that gave her the option to feel like she was doing everything wrong — in fact, it was the only option.

  Once they had eaten dinner and Schmidt had paid, which he insisted on doing just to be a gentleman and impress Elise some more, he helped Elise up from her seat and smiled at her. "I know this was terribly awkward, and for that I am sorry. But, the night isn't over yet. I'm still taking you somewhere", Schmidt explained and for a moment, Elise feared for what was about to come, but from the warm genuine smile on Schmidt's tempting lips, she gathered the bravery to nod and accept his vague suggestion. Still, she was more than glad to leave the restaurant behind, even though it was a lovely place but as they left, they walked away from awkward memories and nothing more.

  They sat in Schmidt's car, and as the radio played the playlist Schmidt had put together, consisting entirely of rock songs, Elise took his hand. It was a bold move from her, but it felt like the right thing to do and accordingly, Schmidt squeezed her hand slightly as their fingers interlocked and he began to drive. They took turns singing the lyrics of whatever happened to play, and it felt nice and much more comfortable than the experience at the restaurant.

  At some point, Schmidt told Elise to close her eyes and as soon as she had done that, he took off his tie and used it to blindfold her in order to keep their location a secret. As soon as he had hurried out of the car and went to open Elise's door, Schmidt took her hand again and started to lead her through the parking lots and towards a destination she wasn't aware of yet. Elise wasn't sure how to feel about being left in the dark about their next activity, because a part of her enjoyed surprises but they also troubled her and she felt discomfort in having to trust someone entirely, and right now Schmidt was leading her through a parking lot where she could get hit by a car and that scared her. But, obviously she was a fool to doubt her safety in Schmidt's presence.

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