Chapter 1 - The Last Normal Day

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Stupid clock..." I muttered to myself as I reached from under my covers and tried pressing the sleep button.

I sat up from under the covers revealing me as Zack Brickmen, fourteen-year-old baseball player of the family. I reached over to the radio that was behind the clock and turned it on, as I did I saw my brother and sister's bed. The radio spoke, "Good Morning Dashdale! This is the morning Wacky World News where you can listen to all the crazy news that has happened all over the world, today we discuss, a skateboarding dog?!"

I shut it off, I usually listen to it in the morning but today nothing interesting was on, I got out from under my covers and walked to my dresser. I opened it and got out my red short sleeved shirt and blue jeans, I put them on as well my necklace that my mom got me from a vacation she once had.

I walked downstairs and saw my seven-year-old sister Amy watching TV. She's the smartest one in the family, she even invents things and she's in 8th grade like me and my brother!

"Hey Amy how's your morning?' I said

"Good!" she explained. She was wearing a Amulet around her, She called it the "Illusion Amulet"

"Amy...can I just ask one question...why are you so smart?"

"I was just born with that gene" she said

I walked into the kitchen where I met up with mom doing the laundry. Tiffany is our mother, she's kind and a loving mother and will do anything to protect us, but one little side effect of her, never make her angry...ever...

I was about to talk to her when my thirteen-year-old brother Jake walked up. "Mom do you have Foxy done?"

"Yep here he is" said mom as she pulled out a red Fox plush with an eye patch.

Jake is my thirteen-year-old adopted brother, he's a loving brother but every once in awhile likes to trick me but he's a very kind brother, he had that fox plush with him since he was adopted so he never lets that thing out of his sight.

I walked up to mom, "Morning mom"

"Morning Zack, did you enjoy Wacky World News this morning?"

"Nothing interesting was on"

"ah, well you should be ready for school, you have your seventh baseball game today"

"I know! I'm really excited, coach has something exciting to say to me after the game"

"going to ride the bus to school today?"

"The game will last like until 10PM, so I'm going to ride my skateboard to school today"

"good choice, I don't want you to walk home at night, I don't really trust this neighborhood"

"got it" I said as I shoved some books into my book bang and saw Amy and Jake walk out the door.

I began to walk to the door when Mom stopped me. "Wait! I won't see you all day so give me a kiss goodbye"

I ran up and kissed mom and charged for the door. "Bye mom!" I said as I waved and walked out the door, mom waved as well.

I made it outside and saw Jake and Amy talking to Clover, Clover is the...let's just say the rapid visitor of the group, she always waits for the bus with us, she's really friendly but has an Australian accent, but not all the time, she wears a thin black rope around her neck with a whistle on it she uses to call for her dog in case of emergencies.

I rode up on my skateboard when Clover stopped me, "Morning Zack, not waiting for the bus with us this time?"

"I have a game at the end of school that'll last till like midnight, I'll meet you guys at school" I said as I rode off into the road and off to school.

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