Chapter 1

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Luna POV

*beep beep*

I heard AJ beep his horn outside of my window. I'm so excited to finally be able to go on vacation with my friends. I quickly pick up my things, say  goodbye to my mom and ran to the car.

"Hey Lu" AJ said while opening the car door. Although I've only known him since my freshmen year of high school, AJ and I grew to be really close. Over these past few years  I can honestly say, AJ is one of my best friends and I really trust him when It comes to advice.

"Hey AJ", I leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek as he drove off. 

"Are you excited for the trip?", he asked.

"You already know I am", I screamed, causing him to cringe.

"Alright! Damn, Calm down! I can never ask a simple question without you killing my ear drum. From here on out this is a silent trip. No more talking till we get there", AJ yelled back at me. Although I knew he was joking I stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.

Within the next 15 minutes we finally arrived at the Duncan/Jackson household.

"Okay you can talk now" AJ removed the key from the ignition and shimmied his way out of his seat. I swiftly got out of my seat, grabbed my bag and ran to the front steps.

"RILEYYYYYYY!! OPEN UP!!" I Banged on the door like a manic, screaming Riley's name anxiously waiting for her to open the door. Mid-knock the door flew open and I threw myself through the door, hoping my best friend would be there to catch me.

"Woahhhhhh Lu" someone with a deep voice said while helping me up.

 I was so confused and looked up to see Romeo standing in front of me. I was starstruck. I tried to talk but no sound came out. He gave me butterflies, he's so tall and dreamy I can not control myself whenever I am around him. His eyes were locked with mine and I could not help but smile uncontrollably.

"Are you okay" Romeo asked, smiling down at me. 

"Yeah I'm fi...." But before I could finish my sentence, AJ pushed me out of the way.

"Hey Romeo! What's good my brotha?!" AJ yelled while closing the door behind him.

Romeo instantly changed his focus from me to his friend who was walking into the house.

"Hey AJ", the two met in the middle with a bear hug. 

While the boys were talking I eventually made my way up the staircase and into Riley's bedroom. When I walked in I saw her lying in bed fast asleep.

"Oh Riley wakey, wakey", I whispered while lightly shaking her. After I while I gave up, let her sleep and went to find the guys to see what they were up to. 

I could hear their laughter from down the hall so i slowly crept to the doorway of Romeo's room.

Romeo's POV

"Soooo, I peeped that little moment you had with Luna downstairs" AJ said.

"What are you talking about??" I tried my best to make it seem like I did not understand what he was implying.

"You know what Im talking about, I know you have a thing for her and she probably has a thing for you. But of course you are not going to make any moves because of your pride and everything", AJ was always the type of person to say what was on his mind so I'm not surprised hes being so honest.

"Truthfully man I don't know what I'm going to do about the situation I like her but I don't know if she feels the same." I then  go on to explain my situation to my best friend, "She's a great girl and..." 


I stopped talking.


AJ and I both looked toward the door where the all the noise was taking place on the other side. 

He then looked back at me and said, "I think someone is eavesdropping" 

Luna's POV

"Truthfully man I don't know what I'm going to do about the situation I like her but I don't know if she feels the same." I could hear Romeo talk to AJ about a girl, "She's a great girl and..."

I tried to move closer so I could hear who he was talking about specifically. but of course I tripped and knocked down a vase



  "I think someone is eavesdropping"   

 "well great now they know I'm out here."

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