chapter 8 - valentine's day.

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Chapter 8


"Lani, get this!" Gabby yelled for me. I looked over and saw her holding a cute red bra and matching panties.

"I don't know. Don't you think it's too much?" I said biting my bottom lip.

"Lani, it's Valentines." Gabby said stating the obvious.

"Yeah you have to dress for the occasion." Tess agreed, winking.

"Ugh, you guys." I groaned.

We were at Victoria's Secret to get something nice for Valentine's Day. They were so set on getting me something "sexy" for Cameron.

"Fine, this! It's a good blue for your skin, lacey, definitely sexy for Cameron yet subtle." Tess smiled looking at a matching bra and panties. It was sort of a halter top bra/bralette type thing. The panties were purely lace.

"Okay, okay. I like them." I smiled.

"Good. We're gonna go dancing and have some fun!" Gabby winked and got my size for the lingerie.

"We all set then?" Tess asked. We nodded along and got to the lines which were mainly full of men; most likely buying their girlfriends something.

"Okay it's 5:28. We should take our time eating and stuff. We're not going out until after their show which ends in about an hour." I said.

"Plus their meet and greet, so another hour and half." Gabby reminded.

"Right." I said.

"What are we wearing tonight?" I asked.

"I'm wearing my tan dress, lace up heels and probably my choker." Gabby said.

"I'm gonna wear my black pattern flowy crop top, jean shorts and my leather choker." Tess said thinking out loud.

"I don't even know where to begin to choose." I groaned.

We finally got to the front of the line and paid for everything. I spent a lot, but it was for a good cause.

"We'll help, obviously." Tess said as we got into the car. Bart got us a driver for today. I have no idea why, but he had someone drive us around. It was quite fun to be honest.

When we got back to the hotel we headed upstairs to freshen up a little. Then we went downstairs to the hotel's restaurant they had. Bart made reservations for us ahead of time.

"Mm, I want a pizza." Gabby said looking at the menu.

"Me too, want to share?" I asked. She nodded and put her menu down.

"Pepperoni, right?" She questioned. I nodded.

"I think I'll get a BLT sandwich." Tess said.

"Yup, I'm getting it." She said putting her menu down.

"Lani! Wear this!" Tess said excitedly. She held up a black and white t-shirt dress.

"I guess. What shoes?" I asked.

"These!" Gabby squealed holding up some knee high leather boots. I nodded in agreement taking them and going to the side to change. I put on my new undergarments then began to put my outfit on.

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