chapter 22 - a grain of rice.

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Chapter 22

Hey y'all! That's a pic from her appointment but her stomach isn't that big yet obviously just and fyi ;) Enjoy babes <3

Oh and comment some baby girl/boy names!


"Cam!" I called out.

It was my first appointment with my GP. I had woken Cameron up at 7:30 this morning so he could get ready. I had already been awake since 6:00. Cameron was really tired from going out with the boys but I really wanted him to come along today.

"Cameron!" I called again. As I stood in the living room near the door, I looked at my phone to see it was 8:25. We have to leave in 5 minutes if we want to be there on time.

"Ugh." I groaned and put my bag down to go to our room. I knocked, "Cam- Cameron!" I opened the door fully to see him still in bed.

"Huh, what?" He asked confused as he sat up abruptly.

"We have to leave in 5 minutes! I woke you up an hour ago baby." I said getting on the bed, on my knees and came closer to him as he sat rubbing his eyes. I ran my hand through his hair.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll get ready right now." He said.

"It's okay, you don't need to come if you don't want to. I just wanted you to come along." I said as I ran my hands along his neck and clasped my hands behind it.

"No, no. I want to go. That's my baby in there." He smiled caressing my stomach.

"I love you." I said slowly leaning in. He kissed me gently and pulled back slightly, "I love you."

"Hi, I'm here for my appointment with Dr. Garcia." I said.

"Okay, Keilani Dallas?" She said typing on her computer.

"Yes." I said.

"May I see your ID please?" She said smiling at me. I handed her my card and she did more things on the computer.

"Okay, please take a seat over there," she said gesturing to a waiting area to our left, "and they will call you." We nodded and thanked her. We sat in the waiting area for about 5 minutes and then we were called. We walked into a private room and both of us sat down.

"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas I am Dr. Garcia and I will be assisting you today." She smiled and shook our hands. She placed gel on my still flat stomach and looked towards the screen.

"Okay, so, the heartbeat sounds great. The baby is healthy. There seems to be no health issues, the blood flow is fine. You don't have a family history of any illnesses?" She asked writing more things down on her papers.

I looked at Cameron then back to her, "I do not believe so." Cameron nodded along.

"Neither of you are carriers?" She proceeded.

"No, no we're good." Cameron said.

"Then there should be no health issues later on; I wouldn't worry about that." She smiled.

"So, what's going on in there?" I asked looking at the screen. My hair was draping on my shoulders and my hand was clutched into Cameron's. His other hand was on my thigh comfortingly.

"You're about a month pregnant, does that sound right?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, the mouth, lower jaw, and throat are developing. Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation is beginning. Your baby is about the size of a grain of rice right now." She said.

I could feel my eyes start to tear up. I could not even fathom how delicate our baby was right now. I looked at the screen lovingly and back to Cameron with the same expression. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Alright, are there any questions you have?" She asked.

"No, I think we're good. For now at least." I smiled. She nodded and shook our hands again, leading us back to the waiting area.

7:58 pm

I walked up to our refrigerator grabbing some more yogurt as well as some peanuts from the pantry. I walked back to the couch where Cameron was. We were currently watching "Crazy Stupid Love"; my request.

"I love Ryan Gosling." I said, mouth full of yogurt. He just looked at me and smiled.

"I love you." Cameron said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look at his face! Oh! He's about to take his shirt off," I paused basically on the edge of my seat. "Wow. Look at him. I could just eat him up."

Cameron nudged me and I looked at him. "Oh sorry baby. I love you more!" I laughed.

"Mhm. Maybe we should watch another movie." He said about to take the controller. I swatted his hand and cuddled into him.

"No can do Mr." I said. He laughed, kissed my temple, and we watched the movie.

I woke up to being shuffled into bed. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Cameron got into bed with me when he finished stripping to his boxers.

"Go back to bed." Cameron whispered kissing my cheek then down to my stomach.

"Goodnight Cam." I whispered and pet his hair as he peppered kisses on my stomach.

"Goodnight Lani, goodnight nugget."

Aye I updated! I feel proud haha. I hope you enjoyed this little filler chapter.

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Kisses to every single one of you.

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