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Percy's POV

I was packing up my bag to go home; I was headed home to meet my mom so that she could drive me to the airport. Don't ask me why, but she really wanted to drive me. I was just about done packing when I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door to see katie Gardener on my welcome mat(I know. cliche right)

"what's up?" I asked her

"Chiron called a meeting in the Big House immediately." she told me, and turned to walk away.

"wait! I'm coming!" I said, racing after her.

We arrived at the Big House and sat around the ping pong table.We waited for a few minutes until Chrion started the meeting by speaking.

"How would you feel if you found out that there was another world like that of Greek gods, but different?"

We all looked at each other; well, everyone but me. Katie finally spoke, "I could accept it. at least, I think I could."

There were nodding heads around the table. Chiron spoke again,

"Well, good, because there is another world. that is the world of witches and wizards."

No one spoke, so Chiron continued

"the Olympains and I have discussed this matter, because both of our worlds have just finished large wars; theirs has lasted over 17 years. so we have decided to send a quest of you to a school for wizards; it's called Hogwarts." Que the laughing.

We want to unite the Greeks and the wizards better than we did with the Romans and Greeks. We will also try to unite the Romans and Greeks better, but that will be later in the year. The campers that I would like to go on the quest i have on this list. if they do not want to go, i will find another camper to take their place."

Everyone nodded. Chiron and I shared a look; he knew that I was already going, because I had missed one year due to my time with Hera, and the wars and everything. Chiron wouldn't include me because i would already be there and why waste a space to send me when you could send someone else instead.

"the list is as follows: Annabeth Chase, Nico DiAngelo, Connor and Travis Stoll, Piper MClean, Clarisse LaRue. they will be no more than that to begin with, though we might send a few more campers later in the year.'

Nico was the first to speak up, "what about Percy? shouldn't he be going? he has always been a part of every quest issued while he was here."

I spoke up, "it's fine nico. I am planning on going to my school to make up the year i missed anyway. i was actually just about to leave when this meeting was announced."

a few people started mumbling incoherent words, and Chrion spoke up to silence them.

"okay. everyone whose name i did not call, please go back to your cabins and expalin what has happened. and please inform the cabins whose counselors will be along shortly."

Everyone did as they were told. i helped spread the word around camp about the quest, then finished packing. i was soon at the big house once again to say good-bye to everyone. it was a little awkward.

Chirion's POV

when i sent most of the campers out, i turned and was met with glares from the 6 people in front of me.

"why wouldn't you send Percy?" Annabeth demanded.

"because Percy didn't need to go this time." i replied calmly.

"he is a great leader when it comes to these things." Travis added.

the others joined in and soon i could not understand what they were saying.

i had to speak up, "i have made my choice! and i am not changing my choice! and i have indeed talked to him about this so calm down!'

they silenced. and i was able to explain the rest of the quest to them.

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