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Ginny's POV

I woke up in the car in between Percy and Harry. Percy was looking out of the window, looking like his mind was somewhere else. I looked at Harry to find him already looking at me.

"uhh, can i help you, Harry?" i said groggily.

"oh, uh, sorry. just waiting for you to wake up, I guess." he said, blushing a bright pink

i heard Percy chuckle next to me. i looked at him, "what are you laughing at?" i asked

he glanced at me, "oh nothing; or at least, nothing you would understand." he said raising his eyebrow.

my jaw dropped.

Ron burst out laughing in the front seat.

it was silent in the car until Percy broke the silence. he started laughing, pretty loudly, might i add.

"you should see your faces!' he said through the laughing.

"how rude."i said sticking my tongue out at him

"oh you know you loove me." he said teasingly.

he went to hug me and i smacked him. i turned and looked at Harry, "I'm not talking to you anymore, Percy." i said

"mmhmm, sure. we shall see how long you can handle not talking to the awesomness that is me." he said cockily

"oh yeah" Ron said, "youre so awesome that every girl loves you."

"ouch, Ronald. That hurts me right here." Percy said, cluching his chest.

"Don't call me Ronald, Perseus." Ron said back

Percy's eyes narrowed, "touche, Won Won, touche."

Nico's POV

We all boarded the train and found a compartment that fit all of us. we all sat around; i had window seat but i was stuck next to Annabeth.

i was staring out of the window and spacing out. i was still not over the fact that Percy wasn't allowed to come on the quest. Oh well, it wasn't my decision to make and Percy didn't seem to annoyed by it. I watched all of the witches and wizards walk around the platform and say their goodbyes to their parents.

I leaned my head against the window and felt myself drifting out of conciousness. i decided that right now is a really good time to sleep. the last thing that I remember is a group of redheads and two kids with black hair entering the platform.

Piper's POV

I sighed as Nico fell asleep. The Stolls had already fallen asleep as well as Clarisse. It just left Annabeth and I awake, and she wasn't my favorite person in the world; heck, she wasn' even close to my favorite. i wish Jason and Leo were here; they would always have some joke to say or something to talk to me about besides architecture. i don't know how Percy dealt with being her boyfriend for so long.

after the war, Annabeth had began to date a guy from Apollo cabin, and had broken up with Percy. I don't think he really minded to much, though. At least he didn't show that he cared.

Anyway, I just decided to pull out a book from my bag and began reading it in order for Annabeth to leave me alone.

The train started moving and I heard the bustling in the corridors lessen. For a second I thought I heard Percy, but that couldn't be right, could it? Percy wasn't allowed on this quest.

Ron's POV

We actually made it to the platform in good time. It was 10:50 meaning we had ten minutes to load our trunks and find a compartment.

We were walking down the hallway with Percy in the lead. He was looking for an empty compartment and when he passed one around the middle of the train he chuckled.

"What?" Ginny asked.

He looked at her. "oh, nothing." he said continuing down the corridor

She walked after him, "there is no way you are getting away with that answer." she told him

"Okay, I'll tell you when we find a compartment." he said.

"Whatever." Ginny said, crossing her arms.

Percy glanced back, "by the way, you're talking to me again. i told you that you couldn't handle not talking to me."

"Shut up." Ginny grumbled

We found a compartment and we all filed in; Percy sat next to the window on the left, I sat across from him. Harry sat next to me and Hermione and Ginny sat next to Percy. we had met up with Hermione at the platform.

"So what were you going to tell us when we got into the compartment?" Ginny asked Percy

"Oh nothing. we were passing compartments and my friends were in one of them, and they didn't even notice me. how rude, right?" he said.

"No, it isn't." Ginny said, smirking, "i would ignore you too."

It was Percy's turn to smirk, "oh really Ginny? i thought we had established that you can't NOT talk to me."

"Shut up!" she yelled at him, "I'm of age meaning that I can hex you and I won't get into trouble."

Percy looked bored with her threat. "try me." he teased.

She groaned. "you're so annoying. just because you're better than me at a few subjects-"

Hermione cut her off. "technically, he is better at most classes than-"

"Shut up, Hermione. thanks for the backup but no thanks, i can handle myself." Percy said lazily

"Eurgh!" Ginny made a sound of annoyance and shot a jet of blue light at Percy who leaned to one side.

The spell hit the window and bounced back; Ginny ducked just as someone opened the compartment door. Terry Boot stood there, hair an head frozen and blue, looking shocked.

Percy pointed his wand at Terry and undid Ginny's spell.

"Hey Terry." Percy said, "what's up?"

Terry rolled his eyes, "just chilling, you?"

Percy winced, "worst pun yet, Terry. you need some work."

"You want to come hang out with us for a while?" Terry asked.

"Sure." Percy replied, "that would be great."

"Sorry, Ginny." Percy said as he walked out


"At least he apologized." Hermione said.

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