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Percy's POV

For the next few days, I hung out with the demigods, except for Annabeth, and Ginny. I was kind of surprised that she wanted to get to know them.

Right now, we were sitting in the room of requirement listening to the Stolls' pranking stories. We had unofficially made the room of requirement our hangout place. I glanced over at Ginny and saw that she had a smile practically splitting her face.

"Enjoying yourself Ginny?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows and smirking.

"But of course. Why ever would I not be." She said cheekily.

I was going to retort when we were interrupted.

"how are the lovebirds today?" Blaise asked, smirking.

"We're fine thanks." The Stolls said.

Ginny and I chuckled.

"so, Percy." Blaise began. "I was getting bored of my life again and was thinking that we should switch-"

"Shhh!!" I hissed, shooting up and clamping my hand on his mouth.

Ginny gasped.She pointed at Blaise "It was you?"

I sighed, dropping my hand.

"Uh, Uh." Blaise stuttered.

"I am going to kill you." Ginny said, advancing towards Blaise.

Wisely, Blaise backed up towards the door. A mad Ginny was not something you wanted..... ever.

As Blaise retreated from the room, slamming the door behind him, Ginny went to go after him, but I grabbed her from around the waist. She punched and kicked me, trying to pry me off.

"Ginny," I said.

Her attacks slowed down.

"This happened weeks ago. Let it go.I got a detention out of it. Isn't that enough?" I said

She stopped hitting me and looked at me, I could tell she was holding back a glare.

"Please." I said, and her glare softened.

She sighed loudly and flopped onto the couch, taking up the whole thing.

I rolled my eyes, grinning, and sat on the floor.

"You know, Ginny." I said, and she groaned in response. "Blaise is probably still running around the school."

She smiled in return.

"You know." She said, "It was pretty funny when you think about it, as long as I'm not in the victim list this time."

I raised my eyebrow. "Is that you saying you'll keep quiet if we switch?"

"I suppose so." She said, "but it might be odd for some people to see me hanging out with Blaise."

"He's not bad Ginny." I said. "i think that you would enjoy hanging out with him, you just have to break the walls."

She gave me an odd look, and I heard the Stolls get up and leave.

"So, you took the time to break his walls huh?" she said smirking at me. "sounds like a romance novel to me."

My jaw dropped. "How rude of you Ginny. Blaise is my friend, geez." I defended myself as she laughed.

"Your-face-haha-is-priceless." She said falling off the couch laughing. Unfortunately, she fell onto me, knocking me forward.

"Ouch, Ginny." I whined. "Why must you squish me? I'm practically a pancake."

"Are you calling me fat Percy?" She gasped, sitting up(on my back, mind you)

"Hmm." I said, and she smacked me.

"Ouch! You bully!" I said.

"Am not!" She said, continuing to beat me.

"That's it." I cried, standing up and knocking her over onto the floor.

I got up and ran. I could hear her laughing behind me.

I started looking around for Blaise. I figured I would start with his favorite spot to hide: inside the portrait of a royal family on the third floor. It opened up to a tunnel that not many people knew about. He had found it by running after Fred and George. They had pulled a prank on him and he was just as fast a runner as they were so he found the tunnel.

I opened the portrait and, low-and-behold there he was. he looked up and saw me.

"Is there a Ginny behind you?" he asked glancing behind me.

"Well, she's no doubt looking for me, but she wasn't close enough to know exactly where I am." I told him. "Oh, and she's fine with us switching again."

"I don't want to today." He said. "Well, after bumping into her."

I smiled. "Oh, and she might start hanging out with us sometimes."

He raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, well I am going to my dorm. See you." He said geting up.

"Okay. Later." I said as he exited the tunnel.

Then I heard a shriek, probably Blaise. I opened the portrait hole to see Ginny running after him. I chuckled and shook my head. What friends I had for company.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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