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the rest of summer(however long that is) went by fast. The next thing they know it was th emorning they needd to be on the Hogwarts Express.

Percy's POV

I woke to Mrs. Weasley's yells from upstairs; she was yelling at Ron to get up. i found it funny that she always yelled at Ron, but not at Harry or I. well, sometimes Harry; because OBVIOUSLY i am the best.

i sat up in bed and blinked a few times, to "get the sleep out of my eyes" as my mom would say. i heard Mrs. Weasly walk passed my door on her way downstairs. i got ready and jogged downstairs; i needed my breakfast, after all. i entered the kitchen and saw Mrs. Weasley cooking.......BACON!!!!


i reached over and grabbed a few pieces of bacon,

"thanks for telling me you made bacon." i said sarcasticly, but i was kidding.

she rolled her eyes and handed me a plate. she finished cooking and weent back upstairs to get Ron up; as she went through the door, Harry walked passed her.

"so Ron is going to be the only one being yelled at thias morning?" i asked him.

"i dont know. i havent seen Ginny yet, so maybe she is on that list with her brother." harry replied while piling his plate.

"i'm just happy that i packed yesterday, not this morning." i commented and Harry laughed

"me too, but Ron, once again, has not packed until the last possible second."

 "he always does." i said, shoving more food in my mouth

we sat in silence for a while, well, we were silent; but upstairs Mrs. WEasley was yelling at Ron to get up. then we heard shuffling, probably ROn getting out of bed. then Mrs. Weasley;s footsteps to Ginny's room. Then, needless to say, Ginny is stubborn  and wont get up unless SHE wants to.

after 5 minutes, Mrs. Weasley stompeddowmstairs and began to complain about Ginny not getting up.

"i just dont now why she cant listen to me, i am her mother, she should be gettingup; if she doesnt get up soon, she is going to miss the train." she continued.

"i'll get her, Harry come help please." i said, and left the room with Harry following me.

"you really think that she will ge tup just because we are up here?" he asked.

"of course not," like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it waas in my opinion, "one of us will carry her to the car and the other will cary her stuff. which do you want to carry?"

he thought for a moment when we entered Ginny's room. "i will take her, i guess." he said slowly

"okay," i said and turned to go into the hallway, i was headed to the bathroom.

"what are you doing?" Harry asked me

"getting her brush and other hygenic stuff that she will need from the bathroom."i said as i left.

i came back as harry was leaving the room. the funny part was that Harry was struggling to carry her.

"having difficulties?" i asked smirking.

"pshh, not at all."he said continuing to slowly walk down the hallway.

"you're going to drop her down the stairs, Harry."i said warily, "here, why dont you start loading the trunks." and i took Ginny from him.

"sure, thanks, i guess." he said, turning slightly red, probably because he wasnt exactly the strongest guy, but hty, i've been running anfd fighting monsters for years so that definitely gave me an advantage.

i walked downstairs and passes mrs. Weasley. she gave me a weird look.

"well thats definitely one way to get her not to miss the train." she said chuckling.

i laughed with her. "yeah, i will make sure she is awake by the time we get ther, though." i said as i kept walking. i put her in the car and turned back inside to finish packing.

this year's packing was relatively calm i thought


I woke to the yelling of the stoll brothers and Annabeth. Annabeth was yelling at them, i dont knowa why nor did i care. i looked at the clock and realized that we were supposed to leave SOON. i jumped out of bed and changed quickly. as i got my trunk and exited my room, i saw Annabeth headed in my direction

"oh good you're awake." she said to me

"yeah, i am. now dont we need to go, like right now?" i asked.


 when we got to the car that would take us, we saw that Nico and Piper were already out there and ready to go. i put my stuff in the back and slid into the seat. just as we were about to drive away, the Stolls showed up and basically lept into the car to avoid being left here.

on the way to King's Cross Station, Piper told me the interesting morning that they had had. Apparently the Stolls ahd played numerous pranks and trashed their room, and Annabeth had made them clan everything up before we could leave, and that's why we were running late now.

when we arrived in King's Cross, we unloaded our stuff and ran into the station, hoping to find our platform in time. annabeth had asaid that we needed to walk through a brick wall to get onto our platform and i was excited to make the Stolls go first.

we found the wall between platforms 9 and 10. i turned to the Stolls.

"you two are going first" i said

they didnt look disturbed, so they turned and ran........straight into the brick wall and fell backwards into a pile. they looked at each other very confused.

"wrong wall geniuses."i said pointing to the one behind them.

they laughed and got back up just to run through another wall, at least they went throught this time. when we passed through the barrier, we saw a scarlet train that read Hogwarts Express.

"i will take it as we are in the right place." Piper said.

Annabeth rolled her eyes at Piper's stupidity. and we all hopped on the train and our truncks also. we had to walk down the hallway for a while to find a space for us.

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