Chapter #4

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George's POV

I heard my alarm go off next to me. I groaned as i flung my arm around wildly to try to hit it. I hate that sound, I bet everyone does, though, right?

Anyway, I finally turned off the clock. And i know, "why do wizards have an alarm clock?" because it's easier okay. if it's a muggle doohicky, then it's harder to turn off. And as much as I hate punishing myself, I have a business to run with Fred, and if i need to get up early, so be it.

I pulled on my clothes and set of to the kitchen and found Fred already there. He dropped half of a pan of food on my plate and took the other half for himself.

"Fanks." I mumbled with my mouth full of food.

Just then, an owl soared through the window and landed on the table, quite ungracefully too. Fred untied the letter and read aloud

Dear Fred and George
(he meant Geoge and Fred.)
(No he didn't. Shut up George!)
I just wanted to let you know that Percy J. arrived yesterday
(Really? Awesome! i haven't seen that kid in a while.)
(Shut up! i'm reading a letter!)
And I was planning on bringing him to the shop, because he hasn't gotten to see it because of..... Circumstances.
Anyway, we are coming tomorrow, which i guess is your guys' today. Just wanted to let you know.


"Well that was unusually kind of Young Ronald to tell us." Fred said

I laughed, then finished shoveling the food into my mouth. We then went downstairs, changed the door sign to "OPEN" and began to clean the mess from the previous day.

Ginny's POV

i woke to someone shaking my arm gently.

"Go away!" i grunted, very unattractively might i add.

I heard a chuckle.. it was Percy.

"Well good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty." he said laughing.

"Who?" i asked, confused.

"A disney princess. duh." he said. "Now come on, get up or I'm carrying your big butt downstairs."

"You're the one with the whole 'strength training' thing every summer'". i could practically picture him rolling his eyes at me.

I was about to get up when he actually lifted me up. 'now that is not normal' i though, but went with it anyway. Hey, I'm lazy, sue me.

He carried me downstairs, very ungracefully, but that was in purpose, the jerk. and he plopped me down in a chair by the table. he sat in the chair opposite me.

Mum put all the food out and i was about to ask where the other boys were when i saw then enter the room, looking very tired. Ron's shirt was even backwards.

"Finally expressing your thoughts through your shirts, Ron?" i said, referring to his backwards brain, i swear he was so clumsy you would think he walks backwards too.

"Shut up." he grumbled, obviously annoyed that Harry actually made him wake up and stuff.

Harry and Percy kept up an actual conversation during breakfast; Ron and I hardly breathe in the morning, let alone talk, or heavens forbid! keep on a conversation.

So naturally I listened to their conversation instead. They were talking about the whole blood-type thing again. Half-blood/pureblood:/muggle born

"I don't know how that is genetically possible." Harry said

"It's not. that's the whole point Harry." Percy said. If you're a wizard, either you or your family was blessed by Hecate. that's probably why most muggle borns are more powerful than most purebloods. they were 'personally' blessed by her"

They had this fight a lot. i never knew who to agree with. so I always stayed out of it.

We all finished with our breakfasts and Ron finally spoke enough to tell Percy, Harry, and I that we were going to Diagon Alley to see Weasleys Wizard Wheezes

Percy was definitely excited about finally seeing it. he was asleep last year and the year before his mom had decided that he was going to be spending time with her for a while. so he hadn't gotten to see the joke shop yet.

We always side-apparated in case someone messed up and ended up somewhere else. the pairs change every time, though.

Ron grabbed Percy by the shoulder and apparated out. So Harry grabbed my hand and apparated us out as I called good bye to my mum.

Harry's POV

We arrived in Diagon Alley and started down the street. we had been sent our school lists too. professor McGonagall had sent the people who had "missed" the previous year, the 7th year lists.

I was happy that Percy finally got back, but I knew that I would 't be able to hang out with him for a while because Ron and Ginny really wanted to hang out with him. i liked it when he was here most of the time because when he is here, not as many people pay as much attention to me. I get to have some peace and quiet. apparently British people have never seen an American before

But by the second year percy had  been here, everyone treated him like a normal person. But then he left for a year, so i am wondering how that is going to turn out.

Fred and George would be excited to see him; he usually participated in their pranks. Hermione never let us, because we listened to her most of the time. but she knew Percy wouldn't listen to her, he does what he wants to.

It has always been funny to watch him in the classes we had together because of his ADHD and the fact that he couldn't read his textbooks unitl third year when Ginny had gotten him special ink that allowed him to be able to read it; i bet that it was nice for him.

We all arrived in Diagon Alley and looked around.

"Gringotts or the joke shop first?" asked Ron.

Ginny answered, "Gringotts; because we all know that Percy is going to want to buy stuff from the joke shop. and he is going to share with me, right?" she said, giving Percy a loook that told him, quite plainly, that he didn't have a say in the matter.

Percy wasn't fazed, "okay, how about this trip to the shop is my treat, as Christmas and birthday persents for hte past year?" he said.

Ginnny and ron looked excited. well, so was I, for that matter.

So we went to Gringotts and Percy grabbed a bunch of his money, he had more than i did, haha. i don't know hoe. i don't think Percy did, either. hm, I've never asked him before. now is as goos of timw as any.

"hey Percy." i said, "do you know where you got all of this money from?" i asked

Percy paused. "the guy is weird." he said slowly, "every time i come to the vault, there is another slip of paper on the outside. each one has a clue on who it is. i have figured out that it's a he, he is a relative, and he isn't my age." he said. he doesn't give me much of a clue at all, really, but i would like to meet him someday."

We were all silent as we continued on our way to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

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