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Ron's POV

So Percy came back yesterday. it is definitely great to see him affter so long; he missed school last year for some reason and i was expecting a good explanation out of him. he is basically family and we were worried about him; then again, we did indeed have a busy year.

We sat down to dinner that night, it was delicious by the way. and i decided it was time to ask Percy why he hadn't been in England last year, so I did.

"Percy, why did you miss school last year? we could have used another skilled wizard.'

my mother shot me "the look"


Percy turned as pale as a ghost, and that's saying something; i began to imagine him floating around Hogwarts along with nearly-Headless Nick. i was pulled from my imagination when Percy spoke.

"what do you mean"killed'? what happened? Chiron said you had just ended a war. i guess i was too excited to see you guys that i didn't even hear that part. what happened? who died?

Ginny put her hand on his shoulder before he could start a rant, because with Percy, once he started, he couldn't stop.

i looked around the table, "shall i explain or does someone else want to?"

they all stayed silehnt so i took that as a "go on Ron, you are OBVIUSLY the best story-teller we have seen since-'

once again my thoughts were interrrupted by someone.

"well i guess i will tell the story seeng as Ron is currently unable." Harry said. he then explained to Percy, in a very detailed way, might i add. he did leave out a couple parts, like when i left Harry and Hermione in the woods, i was thankful for that though.

When Harry had finished, we had all finished eating and had moved to the living room, and percy was silent the whole time. i could never read him that well so i didn't know what he was thinking.

i have always hated the fact that hardly anyone could read percy's mood. Ginny, and George have been the only ones in our family that could read his specific thoughts; it was scary really. my mother and Hermione could most of the time tell generic moods:when he is upset, happy, bothered by something. Harry, Fred, Bill, Charlie, etc, and i could never tell anything about what eas going in in his head

it irritated me quite a lot, he is one of my best friends after all; i want to be there for him, but he blocks people out of his head. he thinks that, if he doesnt "burden" anyone with his thoughts, it will all be better off. but i don't agree, needless to say

So, back to the story.........percy was silent the whole time Harry told the story. Ginny looked at Percy and said

"there was nothing you cuold have prevented if you had been here, Percy.' she said, "we are all just happy that there weren't any more deaths. and besides, if you were here, who would have saved the demigod war?"

percy was about to reply; he opened his mouth but closed it quickly to think over what ginny had said.

"i suppose you're right, Ginny, as usual" he said the last two words sarcasticly, giving her a funny look.

Ginny, however, chose to ignore the sarcasm in his voice, and face, for that matter. "i know i am. that's pretty much why you're still alive."

Percy gave her a dirty look. Mother saw this and decided that it would be best if we all went to bed. we didn't argue. we would just apparate to the person's room if we wanted to talk to them.

speaking of which, Perc had always had his own room at our house; it wan't fair. i alwasy had to share with Harry. why don't i get my own room? even after all the boys moved out, I still couldn't switch rooms or anything. it's not that i didn't like sharing with Hary, it was the principle of the thing.

so we proceeded up to our rooms. Harry and i decided to give Percy a visit, but when we apparated there, he was asleep in his bed.

"he didn't even change into pajamas." harry noted, "he must have been tired."

"no wonder he was so calm compared to normally." i said, and harry agreed with me

we decided it would be best to go to bed then, and we would take Percy to Diagon Ally the next day to see Fred and George.

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