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Percy's POV

As we started toward Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, I started to get excited. and i don't like it when I get excited in front of these people, especially Ginny, because they like to make fun of me. this time, i didn't care much because i finally got to see the shop, not to mention the jokes and pranks that go along wiht it.

Once I saw the shops sign, I broke into a run, followed by the others. when we got there, just as expected, Ginny started laughing at me. I wasn't listening however, and was too busy looking around at the shops interior.

it was amazing! Their puking pastilles, fainitng fancies, and everything else i had seen them making. I had been allowed to see whatever they were making anythime they were making them; I was their partner in crime that just happened to be two years younger.

As i was looking(more like gawking) around at the shop, I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Fred and George smiling.i smiled back as George greeted me

"Hey Percy, haven't seen your lazy arse in a while." he sais teasingly while he pulled me into a hug, followed by Fred

yes, you heard right, we hug, oh my gosh! to some people, but we were pretty close.

 We walked around the store and they pointed out some things that they had made while i was gone. They had been doing a great job haha. While we were walking, i hadn't noticed when
George had grabbed a bag and started stuffing it with random items while we walked.

as we made our way to the pygmy puffs, i commented to them, "have you given Ginny and Hemione one of these yet?"

"way ahead of you."said George

"the first time they came in, we directed both to them." Fred continued.

"well done." i said to them, chucling, "i wonder if they have suffocated them with 'love' yet." i said, making quotation marks in the air with my fingers

and it was just my luck for a certain someone to be behind me. they cleared their throat and I turned around to see Ginny, with her arms crossed. uh oh

"uhhhh hey Ginny"i said awkwardly. Fred and George backed up from the two of us so that they weren't in the middle.

"have something to say to me about caring for my  pygmy puff?" she sais accusingly

"uhhhhh." i said, "i was just telling the boys about how much you would love yours obviously' isaid

"uh huh." she said, not believing one word i said.

Everyone was silent until Fred stepped forward and put something in my hand and said, "might want to use this."

i looked in my hand and saw a pink bottle that said "love potion" on it. i looked at it, then Ginny, then it again. and, without a second thought, flung it behind me and acted as though I never had it.

"so uhhh" i said awkwardly, trying to find  a different topic to talk about when i heard a familiar voice behind me.

"HEY, JACKSON!!! long time no see."

i turned to see Terry Boot and smiled. i had always hung out with him even though he was a ravenclaw. Not many of the Gryffondors talked to Terry though, but i hung out with random people: lee jordan, Terry Boot, Seamus Finnegan, Blaise Zabini, and some other ones, includiing older students, such as Adrian Pucey. that was one thing that only Percy did is hang out with other houses and ages of students, but Percy never went with the status quo.

Percy was going to talk to Terry, but Terry had seen the Weasleys and said "I'll talk to you later, Percy. didn't  know you were busy, sorry." and walked in the other direction. 

"well that was odd" i thought, but this always happened with people; they didn't want to offend the Weasleys, especially Ginny. she would hex them without a second thought.

The four of us stood there silently for a minute. then we continued in the shop. after a long while, Ginny, Ron, Harry, and I had left with a load of bags full of pranks.

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