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"My lady, what have you done?" Thranduil cried. "No! you can't, I won't let you" Legolas grabbed the sword with his hand. Emily was already holding the sword because she was in tremendous amount of pain as Legolas slowly and swiftly removed the sword it slit his left hand as well as Emily's. Thranduil lifted the sword "the poisoned blade of Mordor" his jaws dropped. "What?" Legolas wept more. "Ada, do something" Legolas yelled but Thranduil was silent even the healer stood there panicking. "What are you looking at? do something" Legolas was furious.

Emily hold Legolas hand "my time has come" tears rolled down her cheeks. "No my lady, no you can't, I won't let you" he wept more as the poison slowly reached her neck and on her lips and she was turning green and purple. "You can't leave me. I won't let you" he kissed her forehead. "Legolas, it's my destiny" she said gasping for air. "I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone" Legolas looked into her eyes. "I love you...." She said as she took her last breath.

Legolas wept and wept until the sun went down. "We have to move, son" Thranduil said with a heavy heart. Legolas lifted her up in his arms and carried her to Lothlórien where the lady Galadriel took out her poison but couldn't give back her life because it was not in her power to give life. The elves lamented on her death for days. Ellie couldn't belief her best friend died she secluded herself from everyone even Roland and wept alone. As elvish medicines could preserve the death bodies, her body was taken back to Mirkwood where she was buried.

Years passed by but Legolas never left the graveyard he spend all his days sitting there. The ring, the magical stone and the silver leaf was not buried with her because she wanted him to have it that's what Ellie told Legolas because one day the need may arise. Every month Legolas left for the valley and brought her sunflowers. After Emily's death Ellie and Roland didn't even get a chance to get married as Ellie grieved the loss of her friend too much and caught a fatal disease after 30years of her stay in Mirkwood and passed away.

The magical stone was mended by the Arkenstone but as the lady with the ring passed away middle-earth was never the same and Legolas lost himself, an elf could only die in a battle or from a broken heart and he literally died on the battle field that day when his lady left him forever with a broken heart, he was a lifeless elf after that. Thranduil couldn't take his son sorrows anymore, time began to slow down in Mirkwood the merry elves heart began to fall into sorrow as their lords heart was hardened the castle gates was closed for the first 100years no one entered or no one left as everyone lamented on the death of the lady and later her friend.

The gates opened after the 100th year but visitors were not welcomed except some. "Can't belief for the last 100years the gates were closed. I didn't even get the chance to attended the service" Gandalf grumbled and wept as he stood in front of the grave. "My son heart was shattered into pieces, and we didn't want any visitors to affect him more" Thranduil gasped. The dwarves stood in circles and lamented "our lady, our poor lady how much do we all love and miss you" Balin cried. "It would be nice if you guys can hold back your tears, my prince is recovering hard" Tauriel gasped.

"Tauriel is right, Legolas must never see you all in the castle or his heart will fail again" Thranduil words heavy. "Can't keep him away from me though. I've to talk to him, he's the prince don't forget the future of the kingdom lies in his hand" Gandalf growled as he walked towards Legolas room. "Legolas" Gandalf walked in, Legolas turned and saw Gandalf standing at the door he was silent. Gandalf saw the sorrow and pain in the heart of Legolas his face was not the same face which defines Legolas.

"I know your heart is in pain but we can't help it" Gandalf gasped. "Gandalf there must be a way, I'd do anything" Legolas pleaded. "It's not in my power Legolas, but time heal all pain" Gandalf gave one last look at Legolas and left. After that day Legolas never saw Gandalf again and over 500years have passed since the lady passed away but there was not a day that his heart didn't weep for her loss. His life was completely over in lost hope and sorrow he was the best elf in middle-earth but he didn't feel that way and the death and lamentation of the lady spread through out middle-earth. The story of Legolas love and lamentation for his lady love broke the hearts of everyone who heard or read it, there was not a love that strong and that pure throughout the ages in middle-earth.

***The End***


Thank you everyone who read the 'ring of love3' I hope you guys liked it. I know it's a twisted ending and some of you might be disappointed, do let me know if there's anything.


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