HOBBIES Chapter 1

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Minneapolis Central High School  Fall Semester      Tigers vs. Warriors Basketball Game   

Star: " Oh come on that shit was a foul, that's alright baby we got this."

Alicia: "Look at you always taking up for your man, what you going to cuss out the referee next?"

Star: "Girl please, you know Andre is the best player we  got, I hate it when the referee be making these bull shit ass calls."

Alicia: "Wow, good lay up Prince!!"

Star:  "Umm hmm talking bout me, I see you got your eyes on  a certain player.''

Alicia: "Prince?, girl no he is in my music class,  I mean he is cute but too small for my taste,  he's normally quiet in class."

Star: "He's not that quiet when I be at Andre house, he lives with him."

Alicia:" I didn't know that, why so?"

Star: "I don't know the full details but Andre just told me  Prince had issues with his parents and they kicked him out  isn't that some messed up shit."

Alicia: "Must have been pretty bad, you know we don't talk much in class, but he definitely has his music together."

Star: "Yeah I know he's really good.  Him and Andre started a band, they practice at Andre house."

Alicia: " Damn Star is there a day your not with Andre?"

Star: "Uh let me think, no!!" she laughs

Alicia: "You only been dating for 6 months."

Star: "Girl do you know how long it took for me to say yes to a date, I wasn't feeling him at first."

Alicia: "Oh yeah you had so many to choose from, always the beautiful ones

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Alicia: "Oh yeah you had so many to choose from, always the beautiful ones."

Star: "Girl stop it your beautiful too,  I told you just need to enhance your look Alicia,  put a little makeup on, wear skirts and dresses, and let that long hair down."

Alicia: "That's too much, I am fine with how I am."

Star: "You may be comfortable with how you are but sometimes, you got to primp up just a little."

Alicia: "What??  You don't like my cornrow braids and blue jeans?" *she laughs*

Alicia: "What??  You don't like my cornrow braids and blue jeans?" *she laughs*

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