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Alicia meets up with Kasseem in the diner parking lot. Alicia tells him to get in her car and they began talking.

Kasseem:"Your face is so red and eyes still watering, do you have tissue in here?"

Alicia:"Yeah I have some in the glove compartment" He opens the glove compartment grab a tissue and pass it to her

Kasseem:"Tell me what's wrong, I don't like seeing you like this"

Alicia:"Thank you for meeting me, I just needed to get out for now"

Kasseem:"I understand, what was the argument about?"

Alicia:"Kasseem I'm pregnant"

Kasseem:"Whoa...I wasn't ready to hear this news, but ok, I can see why she would be upset"

Alicia:"Yeah but its not the end of the world, she wants me to go to college, where everything is planned and crystal clear, she doesn't support me wanting to pursue my music full time"

Kasseem:"You know she just want the best for you but her dreams are not of your own, parents tend to not think about that, they only see and make out what they want which can be irritating"

Alicia:"I agree"

Kasseem:"How does Prince feel about it?"

Alicia:"He doesn't know"

Kasseem:"Alicia he doesn't know, it is his right?"

Alicia rolls her eyes at Kasseem "You know I'm not that type girl , yes its his...I just haven't told him because I was thinking about taking care of it"

Kasseem:" He needs to take care of it too"

Alicia:"You don't understand...I mean terminate the pregnancy"

Kasseem:"Oh no Alicia don't do that..your not that type of girl"

Alicia:"So what am I suppose to do?, I'm not ready for a baby"

Kasseem:"Look at it this way, you got nine months to prepare, and you graduate in a few months anyway, you can still pursue music, pregnancy is not a handicap"

Alicia:"What producer is going to want to work with me while I'm pregnant?"

Kasseem:"You have to push forward, and I think you need to tell Prince the sooner the better"

Alicia:"He is so close to getting signed, I don't want to complicate things, and I am scared of what his reaction will be"

Kasseem:"Wouldn't you rather give him the option of a reaction, rather than him finding out later that you have been lying, and he start having regrets and mistrust?"

Alicia:"Yeah your right, I have already lied to him...damn"

Kasseem:"Stressing about it is not going to make it go away, and its not good for the baby"

Alicia:"I'm a mess right now" she starts crying

Kasseem:"Ah Alicia don't cry.." He wraps his arms around her. "It will be ok, everything will work out" He gives her a tight hug and kiss her forehead.

Alicia:"Thank you for listening" she says while still in his embrace.

Kasseem:"Anytime" He pulls away, and wipes her eyes. "I will always be here for you Alicia" He stares into her eyes, and in that moment he leans in and kiss her lips. Alicia closes her eyes and kisses him back softly. Within minutes she pulls away.

Alicia:"Oh my god...what just...no I'm sorry I can't do this"

Kasseem:"No it was me, I'm sorry I got caught in the moment"

Alicia:"It's ok, just had a moment, I see a lot has changed since spin the bottle.  She chuckles

Kasseem:"Oh you remember that?," He smiles

Alicia:"I will always remember that day"

Kasseem:"I hate to leave, but I do need to be getting back home"

Alicia:"Ok, I need to make a phone call"

Kasseem:"Ok there is a pay phone inside the diner, you going to be ok?"

Alicia:"Yeah I'm fine"

Kasseem:"Ok well I will talk with you later" He gets out the car

Alicia:"Bye Kasseem" She gets out her car, enters the diner, walks over to the pay phone and call Prince. Prince answers the phone groggly.



Prince:"Alicia what...what time is it?"

Alicia:"It's  2 am can I come stay over?, I had an argument with my mom and I just need..need to see you"

Prince:"Baby where are you?"

Alicia:"At the diner cross town"

Prince:"You can't stay here, Andre mom is home now, I know where we can go"


Prince:"There is a hotel about two blocks away, we can go there, just stay at the diner and I will come get you"


Prince:"Alright hold tight,  I'll be there"

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