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Alicia wakes up first to find Prince curled right next to in bed. She reaches for the remote control to turn on the TV, clicking to the news channel it appears to be several school closings to include their school , due to damaged roads and trees down from last night storm.

Alicia: "Good no school, Prince wake up"

Prince: "No" he mumbles still with his eyes closed and curled under the covers.

Alicia: "I got to call my Mom", she reaches for her phone on the nightstand.

Theresa: "Hello"

Alicia:" Good morning Ma how is on that side of town?"

Theresa: '' We have a few trees down in the middle of the road, but overall not to bad"

Alicia: "Everything looks good here but school is closed for today, is it ok if Prince comes over?"

Theresa: "That should be fine, are you going to pick him up?"

Alicia:"He can catch the bus here , and I will take him home later."

Theresa: "That's fine I didn't want you leaving the house anyway with all the damaged roads, I will be home at 3pm, Are you and him working on music for class?"

Alicia: "Don't know yet, but more than likely "

Theresa: ''Well we do have tons of movies in the china case, don't want him to be too bored"

Alicia: "Trust me Ma there is never a bored moment with Prince, he is too hilarious"

Theresa: "Ok see you this afternoon" she ends the call.

Prince: ''Your such a bad liar" He mumbles under the cover.

Alicia: "Hey your awake"

Prince: "I been awake" He sits up and stretches his arm out. "So I got your mom's approval to come over, he giggles "If only she knew I practically live here when she's away".

Alicia: "Yeah we been very consistent with keeping you hidden."

Prince: "What's up with breakfast, are you cooking?" He kisses her on the neck

Alicia: "I got it, I will cook us something quick, I wanted to ask you something"

Prince: "What is it"

Alicia: "Have you ever did it without using condoms?"

Prince: ''Whoa baby I did not expect you to ask me that, to answer your question yes I have."

Alicia: "Did it feel better to you?"

Prince:" Yeah but I would not pressure you to do it without using one, why do you ask?"

Alicia: "I was just curious, so how do you feel about me getting on birth control?"

Prince: ''It's up to you, is that something your considering?, and is that the reason your curious about the no condom use?"

Alicia: "I trust you, and I had heard it feels a whole lot better without condoms, just wanted to try maybe one day."

Prince: "If your wanting to try without then I would feel more comfortable with you being on birth control, but again no pressure I am fine making love to you using condoms"

Alicia: "I might look into it, just wanted to get your opinion"

Prince: "If you do decide to let me know, I will try whatever you want"

Alicia: "Really; whatever I want?"

Prince: "Yeah its fun to explore"

Alicia: "If I told you to put it in my asshole, would you?"

Prince: "Awww shit mama, you want me to do that?"

Alicia: "Just answer my question"

Prince: "Yeah if that's what you wanted, have you been watching porn videos?"

Alicia laughs "No silly why you ask that?''

Prince: "Your just surprising me with all this sex talk"

Alicia: "Let me stop playing with you before you get ideas, I'm going to go cook us some breakfast" she kisses him "Be right back"

Prince: "Alright baby, I will keep the bed warm"

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