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Shauntel meets Chantel at her locker

Shauntel:"Did you get those pictures I left in your locker?

Christine:"I sure did they came out perfect, you can see his face, dick, and that nice round ass of his very clear"

Shauntel:"What's the next move?"

Christine:"I am placing a nice gift wrapped surprise for little miss piano, she sees the pics and flips out,  they will be broke up in the next couple of days"

Shauntel:"Your doing all this here at school Christine?"

Christine:"No too much attention at school, this is a special delivery, the night of the storm he probably thought I drove out of the neighborhood, but I didn't I waited for his ass walking from the bus stop and trailed him, it was her house he walked to."

Shauntel:"I know your not planning to show up at her front door, Christine you are sick"

Christine:"I have a way of making sure it gets to her"

Shauntel:"Your playing in too much fire"

Christine:"Its just a few pictures of her man in action, no big deal yeah she will cry her eyes out for a few weeks, then she will get over him"

Shauntel:"Sure like you did"

*Back in Music Class*

Alicia enters class, she looks around for Prince who hasn't made it in yet. As she takes her seat she notice a small purple gift box with her name on it on her desk. She opens it to find 4 boxes of jujubes inside with a love note from Prince

"For my love Alicia"
A box of treats just because


licia closes the note, and looks across the room at Prince who is now seated, and smiles. He smiles back and wink his eye at her.

Mr. Baxley: "Alright class let's begin"

*Back at Alicia House*

Star:"You coming over tonight to watch the guys jam?" *smacking through the phone*

Alicia:"Damn girl what are you eating?, yeah I will be there, he says he wrote something special for me"

Star:"Awww that's sweet, I will see you later"

Alicia:"Alright Star see you later" she ends the call

Theresa comes walking in the front door "Hey baby girl"

Alicia:"Hey ma how was work?"

Theresa:" Ah work is work, here I got the mail from the box looks like you have an admirer" she hands Alicia a small purple gift box.

Alicia:"Oh my gosh Prince!! He is too much Ma this is the second gift he has mysteriously planted, I am going over to watch his band practice tonight, says he wrote me a song"

Theresa:"Aww how sweet, don't be out too late it is still a school night, well aren't going to open your gift?"

Alicia:"I will later I am going to go shower and get ready, its probably more candy" she runs upstairs and places the gift on her bed, goes in her bathroom to run her shower.

*Andre House*

They guys are setting up for practice in Andre garage.

Prince:"This need to be on point tonight, we got that gig at Freddy's on Friday night, and their paying us this time"

Andre:"Thats whats up!! Its about time we start getting paid."

Prince:"Yeah we still got a long ways to go for more paid gigs but every little bit helps, plus I sent in a few demo tapes to this producer in California, hoping he reaches out to us soon"

Andre:"Dang man how did you get a connect with this producer in California?"

Prince:"One of the perks with working at the record store, Billy knows a lot of producers and record labels who send in requests for their upcoming artist albums to be displayed on the top shelf to boost sales, one producer had left his business card in the mailing package. I took down all his information and sent our demos in."

Andre:"Thanks for looking out P"

Prince:"You know I'm good for it, we on our way to the top."

Dez:"Aye man where is Bobby at?"

Prince:"Shit don't tell me his ass late again, has anybody heard from him?"

Andre, Dez, Morris all shakes their head "No"

Prince:"I have had it with his shit, dammit I need him on that keyboard tonight, Dez can you go try and call him?"


Andre:"What if he don't show?"

Prince:"I got someone else in mind for backup"

Andre:"That's cool is he good on the keys?"

Prince:"Oh yeah bro "she" is real good"


*Back at Alicia House*

Alicia steps out of the shower and gets ready, she goes in the closet and pulls out something warm for this cold night it is now early November in Minnesota and temperatures tend to drop real low in evening hours. She chooses turtleneck sweater,fur vest, jeans and boots. She sits on her bed and grab the purple gift box, shaking her head she says to herself "What is it this time Prince?" she smiles as she opens the box running her fingers through several layers of gift wrapping paper she finally gets to the prize at hand and is taken back by what she sees

Alicia:"What the fuck......!!"

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