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Alicia:"I just don't know Star he been acting funny the last 2 days"

Star:"Girl I know he ain't still tripping about the other night, all this because you wouldn't make out with him"

Alicia:"When I talked to him in class he said we were cool, but he been more distant lately"

Star:"Maybe he just going thru some stuff with his family I can imagine its tough on him at times, does he talk about them?"

Alicia:"No not really, I try not to bring it up because I can tell its something he really does not want to talk about, oh shit Star you hear that thunder?"

Star:"Yes girl and its lightning over here too, I love you girl but I got to get off this phone, don't stress over Prince he just acting out, you will be back to normal in no time, talk to you later"

Alicia:"Ok love you too bye" she ends call.

Phone rings


Theresa:"Alicia are you ok?"

Alicia:"Yes mom just thundering and raining pretty bad here"

Theresa:"Yeah I know its pretty bad here, looks like I will have to spend the night at work, some roads blocked off, power outages scattered, weather storm alert in force is advising to stay in and off the roads."

Alicia:"Oh ok mom you be careful, I got to call Prince to make sure he's alright, he was working at the record store tonight."

Theresa:"Ok well make sure you lock up the house, get the flash light and candles if the power goes out."

Alicia:"I got it Ma, love you" she ends the call. She calls the record store no answer, she tries the record store again no answer. She calls Andre house.


Alicia:"Hey Andre is Prince there?"

Andre:"No not yet its pretty bad out there, he may still be at the store."

Alicia:"I tried calling the store and no one is answering"

Andre:"I saw on the news certain areas have power outages and road blocks, but the buses are still running, he could be on the way home."

Alicia:"When he gets home have him to call me please."

Andre:"Sure I will tell him" He ends the call.

Alicia paces back and forth in her room thinking about Prince. He should be on his way home by now she looks at the time.

The thundering and lightning continues to roar. 

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