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Theresa: "Don't just stand there say something!!"

Alicia: "Ma I was going to tell you, I just...didn't know how"

Theresa:" I suppose this is you and Prince magical plan,  he gets you pregnant, you run off with him as he jump starts his music career''

Alicia: "No it was not planned, it just happened"

Theresa:" Your not seeing him anymore"

Alicia: "Mom you can't do that "

Theresa: "And to think I put all my trust and likeness to Star, the whole time she was a total bad influence on you, her mom called me wanting to know how I was taking the baby news....its apparent the two of you are both pregnant, then the pre natal vitamins and brochures in your room says it all"

Alicia: "You were snooping around in my room?, don't say that about Star she's my friend and it was my choice to have sex"

Theresa:'' Unprotected sex, how could you be so careless Alicia?"

Alicia: "Ma I was on the pill, it just happened"

Theresa: "This changes everything, than again its what you wanted right? skip out on college, pursue your music and wait on a record deal"

Alicia:" You know this is not how I wanted it, and you got so much to say about how I'm planning my life what about yours?''

Theresa:" My life has nothing to do with this situation, Alicia you've been lying to me, and disrespecting my house. Now you got a baby coming when your just a baby yourself"

Alicia:" I'm not a baby anymore Ma"

Theresa:" Your my baby, and this just boils my blood, I expected more from you"

Alicia:" Ma I have did everything you ask of me when it came to my grades in school and my behavior, I have never disrespected you , never was a problem child, I even applied to that college in New York to make you happy"

Theresa:" Well that's a no go, and the reason I am so hard on you is because I don't want you to end up like me"

Alicia: "That's where we differ, I'm actually doing something with my craft, you were a few quarters away from finishing law school, you should have your own law firm instead of working under someone as a paralegal assistant"

Theresa:" I did what I had to do to provide for you, now your going to experience it"

Alicia:" I have Prince we will get through it"

Theresa: ''Sure your putting all your trust in a boy that will drop you once he's rich and famous"

Alicia:" Prince is not like that, he is actually the only one trying to encourage me to submit my music to producers, unlike you who would rather me be a music  professor, how dare you talk about him"

Theresa:'' He's just a horny boy passing the time by, and a big time manipulator"

Alicia:" Ma your out of line, he doesn't even know about the baby yet...."

Theresa:" What?? you haven't told him?"

Alicia:" No I...just haven't told him yet"

Theresa:" Your scared he will leave, I know it"

Alicia:" No its not that"

Theresa: "Than what is it?"

Alicia:'' Nothing.. just forget it"

Theresa:"17 and pregnant, what a life"

Alicia:"It damn sure beats being 38 and lonely" Theresa slaps Alicia.  

Alicia runs upstairs to her room and slams the door. She slops down on the floor and cry. After ten minutes of crying her eyes out, she walks over grabs the  phone and calls Kasseem.


Alicia:" Hey'' she sniffs

Kasseem:" Alicia girl you just now calling me back,  its pretty late"

Alicia:" I'm sorry did I wake you?''

Kasseem; "It's  alright, what's wrong....are you crying?"

Alicia:" Yeah just got into an argument with my mom"

Kasseem:"Ah damn...I'm sorry, is that what you wanted to talk about earlier?"

Alicia:" Can you meet me somewhere?"

Kasseem:"Yeah where to?"

Alicia: "We can meet at the diner around the corner from the gym, is it 24 hours"?

Kasseem: "The diner is 24 hours, but does your mom know your leaving this late, it is 12:30 in the morning"

Alicia:"I don't give a fuck what she knows, I got to get out of here"

Kasseem: ''Alright I will see you in a few"   He ends the call

Alicia calls Prince to her surprise his line is busy. She thinks to herself "Who could he be talking to at this time of morning?"  She waits five minutes and try calling Prince again, his line is still busy. She packs an overnight bag, grabs her keys, and goes downstairs.

Theresa:'' Where in the hell do you think your going?"

Alicia: "Out"

Theresa:" Not at this time your not"

Alicia: "Dammit mom just let me be'' She opens the door and walks out.

Theresa:" Alright since your so grown then leave, you got life all figured out"

Alicia:" Whatever Ma, bye"

Theresa shouts out "Tell Prince he needs to come see me!!"

Alicia looks back as she is getting in her car, and shakes her head.  She starts the car and pulls off. 

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