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Okay, so if your a lazy butt and has been skipping all of my A/N's,


Also, your probably not reading this so I guess that means that everyone that is can get free secks!

Oops sorry, I meant free socks.


Anyway, if your reading this but couldn't be f*cked to read the sub title to this A/N, then JUST READ IT. But if your lazy like me then um...

I went to Tatinof.

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I am no longer a Dan and Phil Virgin. Like, my eyes have been graced by the presence of F*CKING DJ DAN HOWELL AND F*CKING PHIL STRIKER LESTER.

oh yeah the swearing? Well technically I might not be swearing since I bleeped out a tiny bit of the word you see? For all you know I could be saying, uh, f- uh, freacking. Yeah. I'm just really bad at spelling.


So anyway, no spoilers, but it was so beautiful. It made me feel, complete, but also empty at the same time-

*People reading this*

*People reading this*

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No seriously. Maybe not that sappy, but  now My life goal is to actually meet them in person. My life goals just keep on getting harder don't they? Any way, I am so glad I went, but don't worry if you didn't go, because there is a... uh- umm...

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It doesn't matter.

Oh why haven't I uploaded a chapter in a while?

Because I have the plague.

I am probs gonna die.

Yeah, sorry 'bout that...

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I'll try to upload some time tonight!

Love your friendly neighbourhood Essie!

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