Chapter 7:

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I wake up to the sound of echoing pitter patter. The steps are slow and even, creating the same sound every time.

At first I ignore it. After all, nobody usually walks this far up the stairs. But then a thought had entered my mind.

What if someone WAS walking this far up the stairs? What then?

What then? Well, let's see... I'll be caught, and I'll probably be thrown in jail. Since I don't have money for a layer, and I'm in an illegal business, I'm looking at 25 years behind bars with the tax of 800 dollars- if the judge is kind. Which, normally they are ruthless and have the lowest of tolerances. In the worst case scenario, I'd get 40 years in jail, a payment of $800, and the slight chance of parole.

My eyes snap open. jail? No. NO! I'm not jail-bird material. I'll never make it!

I jump to my feet with Orio in hand, and dive behind a desk. I sit sideways, in the square nook a desk normally provides. I quickly move the chair forward to cover me better, but I'm unable to do it completely before someone gets to the last flight of stairs.

Shit. If they walk half way around the room, they'll spot me for sure. As I said before, I sort of stick out like a sore thumb.

"Mistress, I have arrived!"

Mistress? The Hell...?

My eyebrows furrow. The sound of the boy's footsteps reach where I am, the sound of knocking on the wood following after.

"Mistress? Why are you hiding? Is someone here?"

Yes; you're here! I don't know who the fuck you are. Of course I'm hiding!

I cautiously peer around the desk. I expected to see an army of policemen, or Yakuza, but no. It was a boy. It was a boy in a gas-mask nonetheless.

His wardrobe consisted of a white trench coat and a yellow scarf. Under his coat was a white button-up shirt, which was quite short, and revealed a little of his abdomen. In addition, he had plain gray pants on. He also wore white boots with black laces, and had white gloves to cover both hands.

The sight of the stranger is unnerving, especially considering he was wearing a gas mask! Did he have poison on him? Was he here to smoke me out? Oh my God! He wasn't here to kidnap me, was he? In the type of business I get involved in, it's not as uncommon as you think.

"Who are you?!"

I couldn't see his facial expression. Though, since his hand reached behind his head, she'd guess it was full of anxiety.

"Don't panic, Mistress. I mean you no harm! My name is Clear."

...Clear? That was a surprisingly innocent name for a boy such as himself.

"How did you find me? Nobody, not even Yakuza, know where I live..."

His hand outstretched towards me. In a jolly manner, he seemed to be offering me a hand.

I take it, and feel him help me to my feet. His grip was soft, unharmful to place a better word. It made me all the more suspicious of his intent.

"I sensed you."

He...sensed me?

Orio's panda ear twitched. He moved from my upper arm to around the front of my neck, hanging loosely. He didn't say anything, as he's normally a silent AllMate. But even his lack of words don't ease my worries.

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