Chapter 15:

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I take the chance to run, of course miserably failing. He anticipated it, and forced me to sit in front of him next. Before I try to flee again, he starts up the motorcycle. Immediately, he lets the break go, which makes the vehicle zoom down the street.

We're going too fast! I can barely see anything, how the fuck does he know where he's going?!

I unintentionally lean back into him and close my eyes. Just then, a feeling washed over me. It was strong, like an impulse.

My eyes snap open and my hand rushes forward. It lays over the biker's hand, griping it loosely. No sooner did the motorcycle stop. I hear the screeching of the tires, and feel us both jolt forward with such an abrupt pause.

What was that? Was that Scrap? No, I didn't talk. Sure, I wanted him to stop the bike, but I didn't even give out a command! How could it be Scrap?!

I let his hand go and duck underneath his arm. Due to sitting on the bike, my escape makes me loose balance and fall to the cement with a thud. I don't think I scraped or hurt anything. But I definitely made a fool out of myself.

I get up in a hurry and turn around to face my kidnapper. He hadn't moved from his spot all this time. He looked at me through void, taciturn eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain to me what's going on," I firmly state. "Why are you looking for me, and where did you plan on taking me?"

His lips form into a slight grin, as if amused by my assertiveness. He gets off his motorcycle, his eyes briefly glancing around us. When assured our conversation would only be between us, he talks.

"Aoba sent me."

Just by hearing his name, I sigh through my nose. My eyes roll exaggeratedly- almost tiredly.

"Are all of them worried?"

"Yes. They speculated you were abducted."

I WAS abducted. Hardly 10 minutes ago, a stranger tossed me over his shoulder like luggage! I won't mention what he and his buddies did to those kids...mostly because they got what they deserved. It was also partly because the fact was irrelevant.

"Did I look abducted to you?"

He crosses his arms and looks down at me. Only then did I realize... I was a midget in comparison to him. He had to be at least 6'1. With me being 5'5, he was an estimated 8 inches taller than me. In his eyes, I was bite-sized. He could probably use my bones to pick his teeth for crying out loud!

"I didn't want to take the chance either way."

Look. I appreciate everything that these people have done. But as I've said before, I no longer want anything to do with this crowd. I understand that they want to help, but keeping me locked up in a house is not helping! I feel like fucking Rapunzel here.

"Well now you know. I'm not kidnapped or in any kind of danger. I left because I want to be alone. So until you people start being frank and tell me what really is going on, I'm not going back."

Something I said must have surprised or angered him. I honestly couldn't tell which it was. All I knew was he didn't look happy. Then again, he didn't look happy before. Should I be so shocked?

"You have no idea what or who you're up against? Tch, of course you don't. To think they would have told you... Foolish."

Comments like that aren't helpful either. Ugh, this was wasting my time. What was I doing with myself? I was talking to a man who claims to know Aoba. For all I know, he could be working with Toue! I swear, this was driving me up a wall.

"So what happens after I go with you? It's back to being bored in a room all day? No. If I agree to go back, you need to promise me that we'll DO something about this mess. I want to know everything you're not telling me, and I want to be a part of whatever plan you people are crafting."

If I had to pluck a word out of the air to describe his overall expression, it would be 'unimpressed'. His body hasn't relaxed one bit. He looked as stiff as a board- serious, and perhaps agitated as well.

"Promises are worse than lies. They make another have hope; hope for something that you may or may not be able to give. I have no interest in such a thing."

"Fine, then don't promise," I hiss back. I cross my arms and unintentionally sigh. My eyes trail to the ground, where they stay for a moment. "Can you at least guarantee effort?"

The silence continues for what feels like eons. I was beginning to wonder if he'll answer me all together. But just as I was about to turn around and walk away...

"No. But I can guarantee your safety, and the knowledge you're looking for."

Saying that I'm disappointed would be an understatement. However, I admire his candor. It's a rare trait seen in this day and age. For someone like him, it's one of the least characteristics I'd expect.

"Okay. If we're going to leave, we better do it now. It's dark as it is."

I watch him nod in agreement. He gets on his motorcycle for the second time, and waits for me to hop on. This time, I'm sitting behind him. It's more comfortable, I'll give it that. Still, I won't candy coat anything. I wasn't a big fan of the speed factor.

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