Chapter 14:

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After I was done eating, I traveled downstairs. I was looking for Aoba in particular. I had a few questions I wanted to ask him. One of which happened to be about the Platinum Jail and Toe.

I understand what happened that night, and know why Toe was jailed. But there was still something that I couldn't wrap my head around... It wasn't about this whole power thingamajig that I had going on- although it should be. It was more like curiosity about this 'plan'.

Aoba and Tae said it was safer for me to stay with them. But if nobody has come after me yet, what makes them think someone will come after me now? Things didn't add up. And because of this secrecy, I didn't want to stay here any longer.

As nice of a place this is, I wanted to get back into my old routine. I'm sure my mail is stocked with requests and urgent customers! I have a whole box of parts rusting away back at my place as well. I suppose what I'm trying to say is: I'll feel more comfortable if I had more familiar surroundings. The idea that they've said they told me everything I need to know, but failed to explain where danger fit into the puzzle, was a little disturbing.

The Alphas should be destroyed. Without those, I don't see how Toe can get anywhere near me without making a physical visit. So, what exactly are they so afraid of?

I make a turn into the kitchen, only to find it empty. I search the rest of the downstairs, but like the kitchen, I don't see anyone.

Could they be out? If so, where were they?

You know what? I don't need to ask permission to leave this damn place! If they're not around to see me off, then that's their fault!

I run upstairs and pick up Orio. He was sleeping right now and I didn't feel like asking for directions. Besides, I know how to get home from here.

After looking around upstairs, I spot a bag. It's leather, and designed to go over the shoulder. It was good enough, I guess.

What? I already told you. I'm poor! It's only one stupid bag. It isn't like anyone is going to miss it.

I place Orio inside, making sure to place him out of sight. After this, I slide the bag on. Surprisingly enough, it was comfortable. Orio didn't even make the bag very heavy.

Smiling, I head to the house's exit. The front door was locked, but of course not from the outside. With two easy flick of the wrists, I'm outdoors.

It's not quite dark out, from what I could see. The sun was going down, though. There was still enough light outside to see where I was going. As long as I have that, I should be fine.


It was dark out. I was a few blocks from home, but already, Rib Teams were beginning to take to the streets. Along with them, punks and other weirdos hung out around street curbs. Some lingered in alleyways, and some were more out in the open. Needless to say, I avoided all of them like the plague.

If there's one thing I've learned about these types of people- they all have a temper and a mean sex-drive. If I give anyone the slightest indication that I was looking for trouble, my ass was in the thick of it. Just look down and keep moving; that's the only way to not draw attention.

Usually. If you look as unique as I do, keeping on the down-low can be difficult. In case you didn't notice, I stick out like a sore thumb. And I could feel the eyes on me. They were glued to the front of my face, the back of my head, and overall made me uncomfortable.

Maybe I should go back to Aoba's house. I know I'm close to home, but if someone follows me there, I'm screwed. I can get mugged, beaten up, or worse. I could get a persistent pervert and his group of pals. God knows how many drunken idiots I've pummeled in my lifetime.

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