Chapter 9:

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By the end of it all, I couldn't believe my ears. They explained everything they could. Which, needless to say, is a lot.

She told me about the labs, 'Scrap', and yes- Toue. According to her, he was a murderous taint, whom only cared for his success, and the welfare of himself. He was described as a power-crazy madman that wanted to put others under mind control, and take over the world. That's the only reason why Aoba and I were created. Essentially, Toue was my biological father. Without him or his team of scientists, I wouldn't be sitting here today.

If this was true, was I even human? Could I be considered a human?

With my head pointed down, I use my fingers to pet Orio. The feeling of his fur calms me down a little, but a large portion of anger lingers with me.

"Anna," Aoba addressed my name, concern written on his face. It was laced heavily through his voice as well.

"I'm...fine. It's just a lot to take in." My head rose to face him directly. "If what you're saying is true, I never had parents or a brother. All my childhood memories aren't real, and I'm hardly human. It's not exactly an everyday crisis."

Since I was created, not born, most of my memories were fabricated- according to them, anyway. Apparently I needed to wholeheartedly believe that I was a normal girl, growing up in a fucked up society, while Toue and his goons track my every move.

Yes, that would mean I've been under a microscope since infancy. It's weird, to put it mildly. But what was even weirder was the idea that they were just...watching. They weren't after me, or trying to kill me. They were simply observing. For what? Who the fuck knows?

They didn't think I'd be all happy, smiles and roses, did they? 'Oh, your father- if you could call him that- is a psychopathic power-mongrel that created you to take over all of mankind. But hey, we've got Melon Pan and green tea, so all's well!' No. That's not realistic by any stretch of the imagination.

Getting up from the table, I sighed. Orio went to my shoulder, where he clung onto me like he normally does.

"I should head home, or something. It's been a rough day."

"You should stay with us," Tae suggested. "Take the guest room upstairs."

They were offering me a place to stay? Here? A musty old building, matched with an uncomfortable mattress on the floor, is about as homey as I've ever experienced since early childhood. To be completely honest, I'm not sure if I was okay sleeping in a place like this.


Tae got up, intending to answer the door, but Aoba beat her to it.

"I'll get it."

The old woman scowled. Getting to her feet anyway, she sent her grandson a look that could kill.

"I can get it! Does it look like I'm that old?"

Tae exited the kitchen, walking towards the front door. Said door opened a few moments later, following her dull voice:

"Oh, it's just you. Come in, I just made Mellon Pan."

I try to mind my own business and keep my eyes down. Despite my physical efforts, my mind starts to wonder. Before I know it, possibilities and people that I might know are running through my head. Males, females, friends; the whole nine yards.

"Thank you, Tae-san."

Upon hearing the reply, my body stiffens. I still don't look up, but I may know who this guest is...

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