Chapter 17:

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These past few days, they've been trying to collect somewhat of an alliance. They aren't openly going from door to door, asking Rib Team Leaders to join their side of the fence. But they have been connecting with old friends. This guy, 'Mink', happened to be one of those friends.

Originally, we were supposed to meet this morning- AKA four hours from now. However, plans change. Obviously we met sooner than we were supposed to. That's because I bailed. If I stayed a day longer, perhaps they would have considered telling me this information tomorrow.

Either way, from what Aoba explained, there were still three people he has yet to contact. Two of them were a last resort, but the third was quite questionable. In fact, he might not want anything to do with this. If that's the case, it's understandable. But if he were to agree, they would have a huge advantage.

"You've been poking around the battle field, and didn't invite me," I playfully tease. "Come on, you know what I do for a living. Don't you think I know a few groups that happen to have a mean grudge against Toue?"

I smile almost deviously. Aoba's eyes glisten at the news, sort of like a child. He leans forward, his mouth slightly parted.


I tilt my body to a side, my eyes squinting in thought. "Well...they are a bit of an odd bunch. Still, they owe me a favor. The team is called Jade Needles."

Mink's lips twitch into a smirk. He hums an impressed note.

"Those assholes," he muses. "Scratch had a run in with them two years ago."

Scratch? THE Scratch? How would he...oh right. He was the leader. I think Aoba explained that some time ago. It must have flown over my head.

"Are they reliable," Aoba questions.

"As reliable as a broken condom," I respond. "But they hate Toue. That's enough if you ask me."

Aoba's face goes red for a split second. He gets over my joke, which I'll admit to be a little inept. But then again, someone has to keep the conversation light. The dead-serious atmosphere was irking me.

"If you don't mind me asking... Why do these guys have such a grudge against Toue? Any reason is a good one; still, I want to know." Aoba keeps his head high and alert. His eyes hop to me to Mink, and back again.

Finally, I decide to answer: "Not sure. Whatever it is, it was bad enough to create an alliance against the man. Why don't we ask them, hum?"

I stand up and turn to the door. Aoba bolts up from his seat and runs after me. Being worried and rather desperate for some purpose, he grips my shirt sleeve.

"Hold on! We can't go rushing into this just yet. If they say no, we may make an enemy. It's best if we talk to the people we know first."

True... Maybe I was jumping into this head first... Okay, I'll buy into it. Besides, it's 2 in the morning. I should go to bed before doing anything else. Lord knows I'm tired enough.

"Fine. If we're not leaving now, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

I wave to both men in the room, receiving no verbal answer in return. Aoba briefly waves back, but then resumes his spot on the couch. I'm not sure what happened after that. I was upstairs by the time the two of them went into another chat. Really, I didn't care what they talked about. What I DID care about, however, was Orio. And I wasn't sleeping until I got him back.


I have Orio. Right now, I was making my way back to Aoba's house. I left the bedroom window unlocked, so I should be able to get back before anyone realizes I'm gone. It would suck is someone chose to randomly check up on me, and found an empty room. Not only would I get double the slipper-throwing from Tae, but I'm pretty sure Aoba would join in this time.

"Anna," Orio addresses, "I'm sensing multiple heartbeats."

That wouldn't be surprising, if the streets were crowded. As of now, it was 5am, and practically nobody but me was out in the open. If Orio is telling me he can sense other people, then that means they are in hiding... But why would they be in hiding if they are simple strangers, and I'm not the police?

I stop walking. I look around for anything suspicious- or anyone. I don't see anything. That makes me twice as nervous.

I sigh and continue to walk. I'm still high on guard, and don't plan on returning to Aoba's just yet. If I'm being followed, the last thing I want is them to know who I'm allied with. I'll lead them to my old place, play around a bit, and see if they're still following. We'll see if this is a coincidence or time.

"Anna, I estimate 25 unknown lives. You need to run."

I cover his mouth before Orio can say anything more.

I know what I'm doing. The place I used to live is quite populated. It's less likely that they will keep following me around other people. So as long as I'm smart about this, I'll be fine.

I take a turn and enter the park. No sooner did I do this, I saw someone at the corner of my eye. The figure dashed behind a tree, out of sight.

So they're persistent sons of bitches...

Take another turn, heading into open area. If they still follow me, they can't hide in the tree lines. They will have to come out.

And I was right. Men and woman, all strongly built and armed, stepped out into view. They surrounded me, in heavy dark hoods. Their faces were hidden for the most part. All that I could make out were body types, and perhaps hair colors. But the thing that stuck out the most were the pins on each person's cloak. The tag-art could be recognized a mile away.

"Morphine... Fuck." 

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