Chapter 10:

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I couldn't sleep. I was too wound up from earlier. I'm not talking about the sugar in the Mellon Pan, although it may have contributed a bit. I'm talking about what I was told.

No matter what, my mind would go back to what they said. Soon enough, I got tired of mulling things over, and tried to entertain myself. Tried is the key word.

I sighed and stroked Orio's fur. I was lying on the bed with a bored expression. Counting the tiles on the ceiling was the only thing that was keeping me from going batty.

"Rhyme is starting behind Junk Shop Heibon in 30 minutes. If you leave now, you may be able to catch the next fight."

Perking up immediately, a smile came to my face. I glanced at the time, realizing how early in the morning it was. To be precise, it was 3am.

I know I shouldn't. But when I'm bored to death like this, I'll take anything that may or may not be fun. Rhyme was sounding like a God-sent right now.

"Set a timer and make sure I'm not late, will you Orio?"

"Timer setting; 29 minutes and 22 seconds."

Getting up with AllMate in hand, I walked over to the bedroom door. I peered through the crack, and saw that the lights downstairs were still on. That meant someone was awake right now, or has been awake to make sure I don't go anywhere. Sneaky...

My eyes travel to the bedroom window. It was a balcony, but it will do...for what I have in mind, that is.


I jogged to the junk shop, panting slightly. There was a massive crowd out back. There had to be at least 30 people here, not counting obvious players or myself. People waved money in the air like crazy, screaming their heads off.

I shoved my way to the front of the group, and hold Orio close. Some tried to shove back, but most were preoccupied as it was. Taking bets, drinking, and eating food were what the crowd was good for. That's not counting the many bruises you'll get if you're not careful, or a possible bloody lip.

"Is there not one person that will take on our victor?" The referee spoke through the microphone, a little worry showing through his voice.

That's right. No fight, no money; no game. It was the referee and the gamblers' nightmare come to life.

The man with the mic scanned the people in front. Finally, he sees me. I nod, telling him I'll give it a go. He smiles and immediately goes to tell the news.

"We are in luck! A brave lady has decided to step up to the plate!"

He helps me on stage, away from the blood thirsty savages known as 'other people'. Guiding me towards the protective fence, he opens the entrance and shoves me inside. I take my place across from my foe, whom was still in Rhyme at the moment.

All I could make out were his clothes. But even then they were unclear. Green, black and yellow were mixed in. I knew that for sure.

"Ready? Set?! GO!"

The helmet automatically placed itself on my head. I lean back into my seat, and slowly allow Rhyme to take me to the imaginary battle field. Touch and all sense of the outside world melted away. I was standing now, in a somewhat pixelated room. The sky was a solid pale blue- unrealistic to say the least. The green floor illuminated the never-ending room, allowing me to see where I was.

Orio appeared beside me, his panda form shifted. He was now a very tall young man, with abdomen-long purple hair and a chalky complexion. He wore a long black trench coat, dark grey pants, and although he had no shirt on, his trench coat covered most of the area. A loose simple black necklace wrapped around his neck four times, despite the longest loop coming down to his mid-chest. Instead of having large black eyes, they were almond shaped and dark brown- almost black. His eyes had no whites.

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