Chapter 12:

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I woke up in a bed. Warm covers were over me, stopping at my shoulders, and a fluffy pillow propped my head up. My fingers twitched at my side, and I forced my eyes open. I saw Orio leaning over me, sniffing my face.

I know you might think Orio is more of a dog than a panda. But that's because Orio is the first of his kind. Since that's so, when me and my fa-... I mean, when I made him, I had to mix different species of animals together. I chose a sloth, a dog, and a cat, as the main characteristic components. In the end, I ended up with Orio.

He's the closest thing to a panda I could create. And I'm happy with him. I wouldn't change him for the world.

"Anna," Orio speaks, "You have been in bed from 6am to 1 in the afternoon. Are you feeling satisfactory?"

I smile and reach up to pet him. I use my fingers to itch his face and the spot behind his ear. The response is cute as always. He sits down on my chest, and leans affectionately into my hand.

"I'm fine. What about you, tough guy? You had quite a heavy hit. I should check up on you later."

'I should check up on you', meaning take a look at his components and data-base. Think of this as a visit from the Vet. I normally do this every four or five months, but I want to make sure he's all right. You know; safe from viruses or bugs. Like all electronic devises, it can be possible- especially after playing Rhyme.

Carefully picking up Orio, I slide out of bed. I place him back on the mattress, and stretch. I'm not as stiff as I expected my body to be. But I'm definitely still sore.

I shouldn't be sore from only one game. What the Hell did I do to messed myself up so bad?

I roll my shoulders, earning popping and snapping sounds in return. I do the same for my neck, and sigh with relief.

Is it really 1 in the afternoon? Jesus.

My stomach growls at my thoughts. It reminds me that I haven't had anything to eat since the Mellon Pan last night. And immediately, I'm compelled to go downstairs.

I don't know if I'm ready to face everyone just yet. I expect that Clear brought that Noiz guy here too. If he hasn't left yet, it's going to be an adventure being near him.

If I'm lucky enough, he's just as clueless as I am, obtaining to what happened last night. If I'm not that fortunate- he'll have tons of questions. They'll probably be questions that I don't know, or can't answer. Not looking forward to that...

I glance back to the window in the bedroom. I choose to leave the house through there again. I know I should have taken someone with me, but let's be realistic. I couldn't sneak past anyone if I went downstairs. They would have heard the door open.

I head towards the park near my house. Normally, a few good food venders set up shop around there. It's a hot spot for travelers and tourists. As you most likely guessed, I go there for the food.

Because it's so packed during this time of day, I didn't bring Orio with me. I left him at Aoba's house, where he'll be safe. I told him to inform everyone that I'll be back soon, if they came looking for me. Until then, he's supposed to stay on my bed.

Taking a sharp turn, I head straight for an alleyway. If I cut through here, I'll get to the park in half the time. I wanted to get my food and go back to the house, before anyone noticed I'm gone. That means I need to keep a good pace.

As I'm about to head out to the park entrance, my eyes drift to a side. I spot two familiar faces, standing practically next to me. They leaned against the building wall, to my right.

"Long time no see," I greet.

The taller and broader friend, whose name was Trip, smiled at me. His friend and quite possibly twin, Virus, turned his head to me as well. Eventually, his lips twitched into a pleasant grin.

Virus was the first to speak, as he has a habit of doing so: "Hello Ann."

"Hi Annie."

I shove my hands in my pockets and approach a little. Compared to me, both of them are much taller. But like I said before, the only real robust sort of person present was Trip. Even then, he wasn't rippling muscles or intimidatingly strong. Virus on the other hand, had a slightly shorter and more average build. Being as considerably tall as he was, I couldn't say he was scrawny. He could be described as 'in the middle', weight wise.

When I said that Virus could very well be Trip's twin, I wasn't joking. Virus' hair is pale blonde, spiked up at the back with his bangs on the right. His eyes are bright blue and he wears a pair of glasses, which are black with green arms. As accessories, he wears a pair of earrings that match the ones Trip wears. His tie is checkered to compliment Trips' clothes, and he wears a fitted black suit, as well as white shoes.

Trip's hair was of the same color, but different hairstyle. Most of his hair was swept back, as well as stacked up towards the back. His bangs were styled off to the left, framing his face naturally. Clothes wise, his outfit consisted of a plaid vest and pants with a white collared shirt underneath, a black tie, a white belt, black suspenders, and white boots.

I've known Trip and Virus for going on 6 years now. We all met when I was 17. Back then, my AllMate business was just getting started. I hardly had my feet off the ground. It was their requests that completely skyrocketed my career: a lion and an anaconda. Both had to be navy blue, with bright blue eyes. Since then, we were simply friends. Once in a while, we'd run into each other and share a brief conversation. However, generally it was a quick 'hello' and 'how are you'.

In return for the AllMates, those knuckleheads have kept me out of the police's eye. They work with the police, so they figured they might as well. They're the reason why I haven't been thrown in jail yet. I suppose their debt is paid in full and then some...

"Whatcha doing here? I thought you guys would be someplace less crowded." I look around for more emphasis.

The streets were all but running wild with people. It took every bone in my body not to turn around, and yell at someone for nearly bumping into me.

"We had business early this morning. We've been getting our bearings since," Virus responds. "Fancy seeing you here as well, Ann. Normally you're working on a new project or on your way to a customer."

True. I've been known to be a workaholic. Recently though, for reasons you know, I had to take a break from all that. I'm sure they realize my lack of ambition. It could be why Virus brought up the subject of work so suddenly.

Continuing to smile, I reach to rub the back of my head. "Yeah, things could be better. I'm staying at a friend's house."

Their eyes lit up with interest almost instantly. Their smiles somewhat grew when hearing the news.

"Oh? Who?"

I shrug. "A guy named Aoba and his grandmother. It's temporary, so I don't think I'll be staying for long."

That reminds me. Food. House. Orio. Aoba. Tae. Scolding... Crap, I'm going to be late!

"Oh, I just remembered; I have to go!" I was about to turn and run, but goodbyes come to mind. I give the two a salute. "See ya around."

They wave as I walk away, not caring to say anything more. Trip might have said 'bye', but honestly, with the commotion going on I could barely hear them talk.

Damn, this place is getting bad. Maybe I should skip out on the food and head back to Aoba's. The lines to the venders must be massive!

Fuck it. Let's do this! 

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