Turning into a dragon?

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Disclaimer: i do not own how to train your dragon in any shape or form, I'm to stupid to think of it on my own anyway. ;)

If anyone has ideas for songs that will go with these chapters please pm me thanks. :)

Autumn sat in her room that looked a lot like a cage, she sat and stared at the wall thinking about what went wrong with her life. You see, she was supposed to be a weapon of destruction 16 years ago but it failed. This supposedly great plan was to combine the DNA of both a Night Fury's and a human. The result of this was her, and how she hated it.

Autumn was a slender girl, she had really dark hazel eyes that was borderline black with contrasting light brown hair that gracefully flowed down to her hip with light curls at the end. She wasn't the best built but she did have some quite cute curves in all the right places. All together, she was quite pretty but only just above average.

Unfortunately, when she was born completely human and remained that way for the rest of her life, to say Alvin was angry was a complete understatement. For her entire life her blanked her and rejected her and to be honest that hurt more than any physical abuse could. So when she was just a year old she got thrown into this tiny cell and left with only the essentials to keep her alive. Not the best way to live. It is only too obvious that Alvin wants her gone and out of the way but since her created her and was somewhat responsible for her he could not dump her to fend for herself. Some may say that underneath all that rock and muscle he may have a heart after all.

As she continued to stare at the blank wall Alvin decided to walk in with a very peculiar looking birthday cake. Well this is a first. She thought. Just as she was about tot blow out the candles on the cake that was obviously for her sudden agony over took all of her senses and sent her to the floor spasming and screaming for it to stop.

She carried on screaming, screaming for help or for the pain to simply stop. She glanced up at Alvin hoping to god that he would help her, but froze when she saw the expression on his face. A single smirk over took his features as he stared at the girl before him withering in pure agony.

He knows whats going on so why doesn't he help me. Autumn thought desperately.

After ten minutes of the constant pain a snap suddenly filled the air followed closely by a dozen more.  Oh god my bones are breaking. She wailed in her mind. Her bones were in fact breaking but they was also re arranging themselves to a different species anatomy. If she thought the original pain was bad then Autumn was in for one hell of a shock. She screamed a blood curdling scream and collapsed onto the floor once more, placing her head in between her thighs in a futile attempt to rid herself of the pain. All of sudden an itchy feeling spread across her arms and as she turned to look, she saw black scales protruding from her previously unblemished skin. And suddenly everything black.

After what felt like hours but was really minutes Autumn started to stir. Slowly opening her eyes only to snap them shut when a blinding light assaulted them accompanied by a splitting migraine from all of that previous screaming. As she finally managed to open her eyes she was confronted with the sight of Alvin with a very rare, genuine smile across his features. OK he has never smiled before. She thought. Whats new?

Just as she was about to open her mouth to ask a question, Alvin beat her to it. 'Autumn? Do you understand me?'

Half tempted to retort yes you idiot she just settled for a nod of her head. But when he asked if she knows what had happened and she went to answer all that came out was a tremendous roar that sounded way to similar to a dragons, but she just shrugged it of as her imagination.

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