Heather's cubs

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Cubs POV (sort of)

Raven looked around happily at her other siblings. Now they were nine weeks old and aunty Heather has gone into her cave up north to give birth to their new cousins. She coudn't wait, of course she will have to wait a week before they are strong enough to play with.

Even at just over nine weeks old all the cubs are very intelligent, its so that they are able to survive should they be left behind. However, they will probably be breast fed until they were six months old to help with their rapid development and they will not be able to fly until they are five. It's not fair!!

Anyway, Raven being the oldest feels this kind of instinctual need to look over and protect her five siblings. But! She is still a cub and so she decided that with mum and grandad looking over them she will help the others with their assault on dad. Seeing an empty spot, she leapt and started to happily gum on her daddy's ear until her stood up, with her still dangling from it.

Toothless laughed as all of the children clambered up him and rested themselves on his head, well all except Raven who was dangling on his ear, so he tossed his head back and disloged her, only for her to and on his neck.

'Again. Again.' Squealed Raven.

'Nope.' Laughed her evil dad.

'But pleeeeaase.' And soon Toothless was bombarded by begging mini Night Fury's.

Ha go sibling power.

Now they can take down this impossible beast.

Every child seemed to telepathically communicate with one another and started to jump up and down while Firestorm- true to his name- started to light up his dad's back ( which he is severly proud of being the only one capable of dong yet)

Defeated, Toothless collasaped to the ground and begged Autumn to help his poor soul from these demons. Autumn, being a very helpful person, laughed and pointed at him while encouraging the little toe rags.

Tessa laughed andn leaped on her dad's tail until she got bored and exclaimed. 'Let's get Mum!!'

A chorus of agreements immidiately started up and now it was Autumn's turn to be attacked. In the midst of this, Autumn tried to get Toothless' help by puppy dog eyes. However her only reply was. 'You didn't help me. Now Suffer!!!!'

'Evil git.'


Moon, bless her little quiet soul, came crawling under her mum's belly and begged. 'Mummy... Can we go she the eggs please. Surely they've hatched by now.'

Autumn took one look into all of her children's pleading eyes and allmost melted on the spot. Not knowing what to do, she looked over to the two other males for help. Also wondering why 'Grandad' never got attacked, they just favourtise thats why.

'Oh okay, Im sure Aunty Heather and Uncle Hiccup can not wait to see all of you little devils.'

A gigantic symphony of 'YAY's roared through the cave as every child hopped onto an adult, two to a dragon.

This was all of the cubs first time out of the cave. While they were really excited, they were also terrified abut what could be out there so stayed on there respective taxi. They all slowly traveled up the rocks and over fallen trees until they stopped infront of a sllightly smaller cave.

Once inside all of the cubs leapt down from the backs and ran over to their new cousins.

'So. How's the kids.' Hiccup laughed to the other two parents as he was bowled over.

'The usual. Little mosters!' Autumn replied.

'Hey Heather. Stop keeping us in suspence and show us how many you had.' Toothless shouted after waiting half and hour for the revealation.

Heather laughed and slowly lifted her wings to show two little cubs curled up, both boys.

They were both midnight black. However, one had a left golden ear and silver right paw while the other had a silver right ear and golden left paw.

'Aww. They're adorable.' Cooed Autumn.

'Talk about near identicle twins. So what did you call them.'

'I called the one with the golden ear Hadrian or Harry and the silver eared (i know i am sorry but i am a huge H.P fan) Draco.'

Everyone came over to awe and cuddle with the newborns when Firestorm jumped on Tiger and they started to play fight. Suddenly, Fire stopped and thought out loud. 'Look Harry had the same ear as one of mine! Wiked'

After that exhausting day, everyone set off home and settled down for the night, wondering how the next few years are going to be like.


Some random guy from Berk's POV

Since the cheif's son has gone missing, Berk has been uncontrollablle. There is no one to be a leader and we definatly do not want Spitlout as our new leader. One bloke who i do feel sorry for is Stoick, he's a wreck.

Everyday he has gone looking for Hiccup, but we all know those four Night Fury's got to him, it's better if he just lets it go.

At the moment we have no food and we are struggling to survive. We need a miracle.


Okay a little short and I AM SOOO SORRY for not updating. Don't kick me to Berk. I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you readers who stuck around and to @Mintychoc02 and @GamerGirl13x who got me out of this demon called writers block. I would love constructive critism and comments thanks.

-Bluenightfury ( or Katrina)

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