Training and arriving at Berk

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In Autumn's opinion, training was torture. Twenty laps around outcast island as a Nigt Fury followed by 5 laps as a human. If that wasn't good enough she had to spar with Alvin himself, to make sure she wasn't competent and defenseless should she ever find herself in a situation were she can not change forms. And to top it all of she gets ordered to fight a ton of wild dragons ranging from Whispering death to a Bone Napper, but not once has she seen a single other Night Fury.

Today was the day to mark her years anniversary of training. After her laps she laid down feeling unusually tired. But still determined to achieve, she climbed to the highest altitude. All of a sudden stars danced across her vision and her body suddenly failed with all functions forcing her into an uncontrollable spin rocketing towards the earth. Omg I'm gunna die. She thought panicking. But maybe death will be painless and no one will be hurt. Just as she started to accept her fate her vision completely failed, leaving her in a pit of complete darkness.

'Autumn? Autumn!' Voices started to invade her peaceful slumber. 'Wake up. Just please wake up.' The voice started to sound familiar and just a bit desperate. That's when it hit her, I'm alive. She cheered mentally. Wait how am i still alive.

Slowly lifting her eyelids she examined her surroundings, as her gaze drifted to her body she saw that she remained a dragon and sighed in exasperation.

'Guys! Oi, guys shes starting to stir.' Now she recognized the voice, it was one of the lower ranks of Alvin's crew.

'Alright, all of you clear out i need her to shift back and answer a few important questions for me.' Alvin ordered.

Great. She thought. Now I'm gunna have to crawl into a hole and die, it'll be a lot better than this anyway.

Everyone quickly scattered, leaving only Alvin and Autumn in what she saw a clearing.

'Now, back to you. Shift back now. What on Earth were you thinking. You could have died.' He exclaimed in a tone that made Autumn want to die on the spot, it was held with so much disappointment and held a stern touch to it.

As quickly as she could she shifted back in order to get it over and done with as soon as possible.

'I -.' She attempted to start.

'Don't you I me. Do you know how dangerous that particular stunt was? What were you thinking?'

' It-' She tried again.

'No, actually i don't want to know. But just remember this, when you return, you are grounded for two weeks.'


'I don't want to hear it.'

'Wait what do you mean when i get back? Where am i going?' She questioned

'Oh yeah, I haven't told you yet. Well in a weeks time, you will be shipped of to Berk where you will start the mission. When you are dropped of it will be in a wrecked ship and when they find you, You will say that we have murdered you parents. You absolutely hate us and you need someone for protection as we will still be hunting you for escaping our grasp. Now once you have settled in, in say a week or so, you will escape their watch and transform. From there you will attack and terrorize the village, you do not have to kill anyone although i would prefer it if you did.'

'Ok, I'll do it and because next week there is expected storms i'll leave tonight.' Autumn agreed.

*5 hours later*

It had been hours and Autumn has started to fly towards Berk with only Alvin's direction as a guide line to where it us. Even though he has been kind of a jerk towards her for a majority of her life, she is starting to view him as a uncle. It's now pitch black so that she could blend and fly without being spotted, she silently glided to her destination.

Not even ten minutes after she left outcast island Berk started to drift into her view. As an extravagant entrance she started to attack the peaceful looking village. She shot fire ball after fire ball to the straw houses easily busting them into flames. Eager to see the type of carnage she had caused she hovered around twenty feet above the ground. Not bothering to be alert as she new the night sky would protect her.

A couple minutes latter the people of Berk started to leave the safety of their homes casually as if nothing happened and this is a regular occurrence. Looking at the scene before her Autumn's blood started to boil. In retaliation and a hint of desperation, she dove in between the closely situated houses she used her dagger like tail to rip long tears to the ones wither side of her.

At first everyone had frozen with their mouths wide open, that was until someone shouted.'That's a Night Fury.' Suddenly mummers erupted around with a few mentioning someone called Hiccup and Toothless. Odd she had never heard of them before.

Suddenly everyone started to gather around the grandest house, the owner probably being the leader of the village. Just so more people would blame the occupants of the house she flew onto the roof and raised onto her hind legs. Raising her head she let loose a stream of purple flames and spread her wings as far as she could, tail trashing side to side in order to look menacing and a sign of how much she was actually enjoying this.

Suddenly a menacing voice flew through the air. 'It can't be Toothless, look iy has a full tail plus it is female.' The owner of the voice emerged through the shadows with a very prominent limp due to the peg leg he had, shaking his hooked hand to exaggerate his point.

Just as she was about to burn him to a crisp for pointing that out, the doors flew open and a scrawny, runt looking kid hobbled out, also supporting a single leg- Hmm must be fashion here.

Before he could utter a single word Autumn flew into the air and for good measure she left a ring of fire around the building..

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