Hiccups mate and a day old

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Autumn woke up to that weird feeling in her teats again, she looked down to see all six of her cubs suckling contently. Sh grinned and licked Raven- her eldest. They were all beautiful and unique and she loved them all equally. The shuffling of each of them had woken Toothless from his peaceful slumber and looked over Autumn's shoulder to look at each of the little rascals that he made. When Toothless put his face a little too close he laughed when Tiger leaped onto his nose and started to chew on his ears with anew curiosity, Toothless laughed and shook his head a bit but yelped when he felt tiny teeth sink into his tail. He looked back to see Tessa sat on her hunches and chewing on him while giving him eyes that stated that it was not her that was currently assaulting his precious tail.

'Why did i create these monsters?' Toothless whined and was immediately bombarded by protesting squeaks from his cubs. 

'It was worst for me, i had to carry and give birth to all them, while they were in eggs!' Complained Autumn but immediately regretted it as all of the Cubs turned their pent up energy to leap on her and attack and chew on every crevice that they could find. This was the view that Hiccup and Flash found when they walked in with four does in their mouth's.

'What did you say?' Asked flash as he watched the dignified and angry squeaks of the cubs as they attacked their mother to prove their points.

Almost as if a switch had been pulled, all of the cubs jumped and bundled their Grandpa who had provided them with food. They tried to lunge to the food after they licked his forehead but a tail fin blocked all of their view of the food, Firestorm started to try jump over it and bite it when he couldn't. Autumn chuckled, 'You know you can not eat solid food, you still are on milk but i can chew it so you can have both.' She laughed.

A light bulb seemed to brighten on top of all of the cubs heads and they ran to hug into their mother with their father curled around them. Autumn and Toothless started to rip of strips of meat and chew them into mush, when they deemed it appropriate for their cubs, they spat it out into a pile in the circle of siblings. As soon as it had landed, all of them dived towards the mush and started to devour it in seconds.

As soon as the entire deer had been made into mush and eaten buy the cubs, Autumn and Toothless shared the other one quickly so that it would not be stolen by hoarding babies even if they could not eat it. When they were finished and snuggled as a family, they were snapped out of the final peaceful moment when Hiccup reminded them.

'Guys, Heather is coming over in a few minutes.' There was a few groans.

'i do need thank her for saving my cubs.' She said and licked Tiger and Star on the forehead while they snuggled into their mother. They could not imagine what life would have been like if they would not have been saved. 

'Hello?' Came a tentative voice in the entrance.

'Heather?' Hiccup questioned as he transformed into his half human form and walked over to the entrance.

Autumn opened her wing as the change had petrified her children and they ran into her protection.

'It's okay cubs.' She consoled. 'We can all do it, he is still just Uncle Hiccup.' The six cubs cheeped in protest but in the end forgot about it when Hiccup returned and they smelled his normal scent.

'They are very intelligent for only being a day old.' Flash said with pride evident in his voice.

'I know it is amazing.' 

'Must be their blood.' Toothless piped up, causing laughter to erupt through the cave.

'Wishful thinking Toothless.' Hiccup laughed.

'What did he say?' Heather questioned from where she was hiding behind him. Being faced with Three Nightfury's Two being the immediate parents and one a grandparent she did not know how to act so when she was suddenly bowed over by the only female there, she froze in shock and prepared for the attack when it started to purr and lick her face.

'That's her way of showing her gratitude.' Hiccup elaborated with a soft chuckle.

'Ugh, it's okay.' She said nervously and stood up, only to be bowed over by two hatchling's that started to cheep and lick her and was joined by the others later.

'They don't usually do that.' Hiccup laughed.

Autumn made a barking kind of sound and called her cubs back to her so that they would not smother her.

Laughing, Hiccup offered his hand and pulled her up protecting her with his wings as she hugged his front.

'We have an offer, if you promise not to go back to Outcast Island you can be transformed into a NightFury Hybrid like us and understand them, you would one of our own pride.' Hiccup said in a rush.

It was like a switch had been flicked in Heather's personality, she started to jump around and chant 'yes, yes, yes.' over and over again.

'Okay, we get it.' Laughed Hiccup but then switched to speaking Dragoneese and spoke to Autumn. 'You know what to do.'

Obeying, Autumn shoved her cubs lightly to their Father and Grandfather and walked over to Heather. She put her tail onto her forehead and instantly a glow overcame Heather's form. Instead of being in the half form like the others when they were changed, she was instantly in her full dragon form.

Exhausted, Autumn went over to her nest and collapsed, only to be instantly snuggled into by six worried cubs. 'I'm okay.' She consoled with a giant yawn and fell into a quick nap.

After Autumn fell asleep, all the attention went onto Heather who was slowly staggering, trying to get used to now having four legs.

'Is she going to be okay?' She asked in concern for Autumn and her cubs who were suckling on her sleeping body, only to be surprised at the grunts and roars that had came out of her mouth.

'She'll be alright.' Toothless said next to her making her jump and spread her wings.

'If that's the case then maybe we can find a cave of our own.' Hiccup winked suggestively and walked out of the cave with Heather in tow.

Autumn cracked open one eye and stared at her dad. 'Now it's just you Dad, i bet you any money that within eleven weeks we will have another batch of tiny Fury's running around.' Then she fell asleep again curled around her own little batch.


Okay guys sorry for the wait, should i make Heather pregnant? If so should i skip to a part where they are already hatched or she stays pregnant for a bit through events until the nine weeks are done? It does probably suck but i've had major block and l've been worried about going into year 11 in a few days, again sorry and thank you for everything

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