Emotional Termoil

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Autumn slowly glided to outcast island while thinking about that unusual boy. He really fascinates me. She thought.  He was really persistent in finding me and where i am from. But the bst part is he had another Night Fury. I can't believe it the first one in my life (well except from me) i thought we was untamable but there he was. Hmm this is unusual.

When she was escaping she had hid behind a boulder in order to find out what he was thinking. He does have an unhealthy habit of speaking his mind. It was quite useful information, but as she had hidden and listened she froze in shock when he had said. 'Maybe she was tamable.' Would she want that.

To be honest that was the total opposite in what she was expecting him to say. Her thought were in a terminal.  So let me get this straight, he wants to 'tame' me so that someone could ride me and take me away form Alvin who has practically raised me (although it wasn't the best, but still) Well if I ever need an escape from Alvin I could stay and get tamed and live care free but if i want to go to Alvin i could just attack and go back to him so it is what i want in the end. Gods this i so hard.

After that Autumn could come up with one conclusion , if she ever sees that boy again she will never harm him , he was just too innocent and kind. That is a promise.

As she arrived at the island she slowly trudged over to Alvin's home. She was absolutely exhausted being that she had been awake for over 24 hours and 20 of those was spent flying or attacking a village she had never heard of. She stepped outside Alvin's office ready to give her report and slowly knocked on the mahogany door. She knew that this is going to be annoying, all Alvin does is plan attacks and with her fatigue at the moment she can't be arsed.

'Come in.' Alvin's booming voice reverberated through the door.

She walked in cautiously expecting an attack or ambush with the eerie atmosphere. As she walked in a couple of steps, she suddenly froze in absolute shock and horror. There sat in his chair in all of his glory was Alvin with a grin that would make a Cheshire cat jealous.

'Ok.' She said dragging the 'k'.

'Who are you and what have you done with the real Alvin?' She pressed.

'Oh it's still me but I'm just happy that somethings have finally gone my way.' He put un-needed empathizes on the over exaggerated words. Then the words he had said hit her. He was on about the sixteen years of disappointment from her life.

'Look i need to sleep so lets get to the point, to save time I will attack the exact same way tomorrow- how i want to. The attack went fine, but a small runtish looking kid riding a night fury tried to foll-'

' He didn't follow you here did he?' He rudely interrupted.

'I was going to say before you rudely interrupted me I lost him after taking him in circles for hours and I'm tired so I'm going to bed. No if, buts or maybes. BYE!'

She stormed out of the room in a strop and slammed the door.


* One Week later*

Every night without fail Autumn had attacked the small village and was staring to feel really guilty, Alvin was just getting plain mean, those people has done nothing to him- well she doesn't know for sure but they do not seem the type to attack other people. Today she is going to the Island as a lost orphan (not too far from the truth)

She stared at the outside of the pathetic excuse of a boat and looked at the sea lapping at the side desperately trying to drag it under with contrasting cute bubbles forming a v behind the boat. Water dragons dove in and out of the water like dolphins yet more deadly and with wings.

The shore is less than 10ft away. This is it, she will have to act and fit in as a human, it will be challenging as she has been dragon almost constantly for a week and the instincts try to over ride all of senses but she struggles to maintain her humanity. She was in a boat as it would look too suspicious if i flew in as a dragon, turned human and had no boat.

Suddenly the boat lunged forward as it docked onto the sandy beach. As she looked around to see if anyone had seen her a familiar shadow had flown over her. Dragon boy! In case he had in fact seen her she started to cry so that the act would in fact look convincing considering her recent predicament.

As she continues to sob pathetically the dragon boy landed near by and started to slowly approach her with caution. She looked up with swollen, tear stained eyes and her pulse started to race. He was only 5ft away from her!

'Umm..' He started and Autumn cringed on reflex. 'Hey, hey it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Do you have any family nearby?' Autumn inwardly stared in amazement, even his voice held that gentleness and naive edge to it. 'I'm Hiccup, who are you?'

'I...I...a..am Autumn.' She stuttered.

'Okay, why are you here?' He questioned

'I..I..w..was sailing w..with my mum and then o...o..Outcasts and my parents got s..s..shot and d..d..died in my arms i escaped b..b..barely with my l..l..life and got lost and here i am'. She barely managed to say through her sobbing. It did sound convincing so Autumn patted herself on her back.

' Oh, wow you have a lot of problems no offence. Do you want to come to the village and meet my dad? He's the chief.'

'i w..would love that th..th..thank you s..soo much.' She wiped the tears away and started to follow Hiccup after he gestured her to do so . They started to head towards the Night Fury. Suddenly, it started to thrash about and growl menacingly at Autumn, obviously recognizing her scent but a bit confuse as it was ingrained with a humans scent.

'Woo,woo bud. It's ok, she is a friend. She has no one left, everyone she loved has died. We at least owe her this,'

Hiccup started to climb onto the Night Fury and gestured for her to join him on him.

'No way am i going on that, they are deadly.' Her tone was suddenly harsh and stubborn.

'Hey, don't worry. You can trust ol'  Toothless here.'

She sighed and jumped on, it was an alien feeling to be on another dragons back compared to when i fly. As he lifted off of the floor she shrieked and lunged forward to grab hold of hiccup for her life. After a few minutes of feeling like any minute she will drop, they landed and Autumn was very glad to be back on two feet. She was half tempted to kiss the ground in worship.

A large man who looked like he could be head a hundred dragons single handily stepped out of the house that they had landed in front of. All of a sudden he hugged the puny boy .Surely this can not be his father he is way to big.

'Hiccup, Toothless. Hows the journey tell me over dinner. Wait who's this?' He questioned voice dripping with heavy suspicion accompanied by a glare that made Autumn's knees weak.

'Ugh. Dad this is Autumn.' Hiccup replied before Autumn could open her mouth to answer and she was extremely glad that he did.

'Ahh don't be afraid Autumn. We don't bite (well most don't anyway) Anyway, dad her parents where murdered by outcasts and she barely escaped and i figured she needed somewhere safe to sleep, you know with the constant Night Fury attack.' Hiccup said, giving his father the puppy dog eyes.

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