Hatching eggs

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Dedicated to @TheDragonLover  @Moonlighthowls @onedirection335 @0TigerKitten0 @warriorgirl163 and @GamerGirl13x for the children ideas.

A Week later: 

All of the males watched fondly as Autumn bounded around the cave finally happy not to be cooped up in that nest now that her protective instincts has allowed her to let them near the eggs and her out of the nest.


Autumn woke up the night after laying the eggs to see three males near her eggs, her instincts interpreted them as threats, at anytime while she slept they could have attacked and killed her babies. She jumped up and instantly started to snarl and snap at the no longer sleeping males. Her mind had been taken over by her instincts and was now in a red haze.

One of them had made the mistake of trying to talk her out of it when she lunged, the elder one clamped onto the offending males scruff and tugged him forcefully out of her nest, Autumn did not dare follow as that could endanger her eggs further. 

This had gone on for the rest of the week, as soon as they came near her she would screech in rage and lunge for them, sometimes she clipped the but it was mainly Toothless- he never learned.

Now though Autumn was as happy as can be because she could finally roam free after ten weeks in that prison of a nest. When she had settled down after exhausting herself, they all started to wonder why her instincts had suddenly shut down, she was about to voice her thoughts when a crack echoed around the cave. All heads whipped around to see one of the eggs had a fracture in the outer structure. 

Now that they could look at them properly, they saw that all of the eggs have changed drastically in colour and size, the biggest one was still jet black but was covered with blue rings four big ones dominating the top of the egg where a tiny snout had just emerged. All sat with bated breaths as the watched the eldest struggle and tap against the battle field that was it's egg shell. After ten minutes of struggle, there was a reassuring crack and the shell finally split and out tumbled a tiny little dragon.

They all stared at the beauty before them, this little girl was the typical jet black but had little vibrant blue rings that covered her leg with four blue ones situated on the top of her head, the black on her body slowly blended into a deep purple to the tip of her tail where her fins were also a very vibrant blue. The was all staring at her when she opened her eyes to look at her surroundings and multiple gasp were heard, there staring at them were the deepest, most beautiful blue eyes they had ever scene.

Finished with her survey of her baby, Autumn slipped into mother mode when she started to squeak with hunger, she guided the wobbly baby over to her nipple so that she could suckle and the sudden weird sensation of her sucking at her skin made her both proud and a little confused. 

'I'll call you Raven.' She whispered into the young ones ears.

The moment abruptly ended when the second crack founded and they stared at the second biggest egg, the size of the egg seemed to determine the strength and age of the eggs. This, like the other eggs had also changed, it was now nothing like the usual black but was a crimson blood red with flecks of gold littering the shell. This one had taken eleven minutes before the little beast had tumbled and rolled out of the egg confiding it.

Like the other they all stared at the little one in the headlight. This one was male, he was the most beautiful and deepest red that had ever been scene and made blood red look like over washed top. He practically shone where he stood, two red eyes that even outshone it's coat stared up at the older dragons in noting but awe. The only thing that was not red was his golden ears that flopped about as he stumbled to the one he thought was his mum.

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