Giving up and getting caught

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Just after Hiccup had said that Autumn's parent were murdered, the chief had welcomed her with open arms and was quite surprisingly very generous.

'Thank you for letting me stay here in your village but where will i sleep?' She had questioned over dinner. It had been nagging in the back of her mind for a while now and she really did want to know before it got a bit to late. The only thing that Autumn wanted was for them to give her her own room as she valued her privacy and she would be able to sneak out more in order to resume the attacks.

'I know that this will be awkward but the only place with space is Hiccup's room and I apologies in advance as i know what it is like and will most probably be quite awkward.' Hiccups father had said almost immediately after her original questioning.

You don't say now i have to try sneak out of your sons room and attack him great just great. Autumn thought. What do you want me to do? Feel very guilty because he trusts me, just for me to put his life in danger you old goat.  Autumn mentally ranted.

Autumn finished her dinner that had been generously offered to her, it was lamb and mash with yak milk. It really did taste a lot better than sloppy ploppy pudding. I'm starting to like it here. She thought but another annoying voice in the back of her mind just had to ruin her fun.  No you don't you are here on a mission and if you ever want Alvin approval you will go through this. No getting attached to the targets.

After everyone had finished Hiccup showed me to his - and recently Autumn's- room. By then, Autumn's mood had lightened up so she did not feel like murdering Hiccup any minute now. As she entered the room she froze once more and mentally sighed. I really am doing this a lot aren't I? There in the middle of the room was the male Night Fury -Toothless. The only dragon who could ruin her plans and he is sharing a room with her. Oh the gods hate her.

She sat down on the single bed in the corner and had spent a lot of time planning her escape for that night. As the sun set with multiple colours contrasting each other to make the view perfect. She had thought of a plan that may work but was the most risky of the load that she had made up. She would have to change in the shadows of Hiccup's room and sneak out because when she is a dragon, Toothless would not be able to sense her but the big risk is that she wakes up Hiccup with the sound of the change.

After all the pondering and faking to be asleep, Autumn opened her eyes a bit and noticed that it was in fact pitch black outside and the other males inhabiting the room were fast asleep. Seeing this she silently slipped out of her bed and mover around two feet behind her bed to a shadowy corner. Willing the change she felt the bones and organs in her body re arrange but this time it was a painless transaction as she had accepted her in-heritage.

Seconds later she was fully transformed and she crept as gracefully as she could over to window. But as she walked past Hiccup's bed she stepped on a creaky plank and grimaced. Glancing to see if she had waken Hiccup up she saw him moan in his sleep and turn over.

She arrived at the window and leaped out, flying into the sky. She flew a few laps around the house in order to stretch her abused wings. As she soared around she almost burst out laughing. Looks like they really to want to protect their new addition. Dragon riders were situated on different houses in order to protect them. On the ground people was loading catapults and nets in preparation for her arrival.

Too bad that she was not a stupid animal, she dived down towards the ground and silently crept around the village setting fires to tiny things. Stating to get bored but to wanting to have her hide on a platter she change back to human and started to walk back to Hiccup's house.

After dragging her feet in a vain attempt to prolong the inevitable a body slammed into hers and knocked her to the ground.

'Autumn?' Oh great it was Hiccup that had found her.'Thank Thor you are okay, i was so worried about you. What happened?' He questioned.

'Hiccup don't worry im fine i just got scared and ran, and well this is such a sad sight and i keep getting flash backs of my parents, its really upsetting.' Only when i'm human can i actually feel emotions unless its when i want and i have never when i attacked your village that's right i am the dragon attack and its damn depressing- Autumn wanted to add.

' Oh ok well lets get going home i am so tired I bet you are as well.' Hiccup suggested

'Yh you could say that,' Autumn said with a chuckle.

Before Autumn went to bed she sat and thought about her life and she did not like the results all the time she was a reject and when she had done something to warrant  some attention she is turned into a pawn and weapon. Then she made up her mind, she is going to get caught and search for her destined human, the only one who could tame her. Her bonded.

The whole town had woken up bright and early for a meeting, they was discussing the attacks and how to get rid of the problem. As they was starting to agree to kill the dragon Hiccup raised the point of his previous plan of taming the dragon, thank god they was not taken her head off of her shoulders.

In order for the village not to get suspicious of Autumn's disappearance as a human she wrote them a letter saying that she can not take it anymore and that she is going back to sea. At seven she had gotten too anxious so she dropped the letter at Hiccup's bed stool and went ot the docks to set sail to a boat, when she was done, she transformed.

She sat there and looked at her reflection remembering that this is how she will probably be for the rest of her eternal life. She opened her wings and admired the purple lightning bolts that ran down the otherwise black, bat like wings also the smaller lightning flecks down her torso and he thankfully fully functional tail.

As the sun set she internally sighed, this routine was getting so cliche and she was glad that tonight is the night that all of it stops. She lifted her wings and flew off of the ground, heading towards the town.

When she arrived everything was exactly like Hiccup had said it would be, dragon riders once again situated on every single roof ready to drive her to the ground where they would trap her and take her to the academy. She was quite glad that she knew the plan or the would have scared her half to death with the surprise attack.

To get it over and down with she leisurely flew to the middle of the village and opened her mouth wide to look like she was going to attack. Just as anticipated, Nets flew over her head and dragon bowled her to the ground where fifteen men ran out and pinned her to the ground. There's no going back now. She mentally side.

 'Shes just gave up that very unlike her what do you think that's about.' A few mummers were said..

'Then this should be easy someone get a rope, tie it around her mouth and take her to a cage. I bet you she wont be this easy tomorrow, she just needs a bit more action trust me.' A rather high pitched women exclaimed.

'Someone get hiccup I wouldn't trust anybody else with the offspring of lightning and death itself.  Speaking of lightning look at her markings, I think we will name her lightning.' said Asterd.

Ah new name new start and the only thing that Autumn will miss is a Night Fury i met when i was ten and was able to talk to but kept it a secret called Syracuse she was the best night fury ever we would always meet up and go for fly's together, but she had forgotten about that encounter until now thinking that she was the only one, someone must have altered her memory.

Hiccup came over and tied her mouth shut and led her to her new home. Obviously weary that she was just acting so that she could easily escape and it is reasonable because that is something that she would do. She was led into a little academy with a row of cages and thrown into one of the far cages, she was them left for the night, and boy was she glad.

Tomorrow will be exciting as she will finally get to meet the one who was meant to be bonded with her.

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