Chapter five

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They walked through a maze of hallways. Searching for room 20.

"What are we doing here?"eren asked for the second time tonight, struggling to keep up with levi.

"Were going to talk to a friend of mine." He replied. "Ah!" He steped up to the red door, knocking hesitantly.

Levis eyes stayed glued to the door waiting for it to open, as he reached out, his fingers brushing against erens asking for his hand. Their fingers laced together behind his back, eren standing a few inches away from him. The door knob wiggled making his grip on erens hand tighten, before hanji looked down at him.

"What?" She scowled.

The tone in her voice filled with hatred, pity, and disrespect. Erens knuckles tightened awaring levi of his anger towards her attitude.

"I was hoping we could talk." The oldest of them replied.

Her eyes softened, as if she were almost shocked. She looked back to eren.

"Whos that?" She asked.

He pulled him abit closer, making eren stumble clumsily.

"This," he said "is eren ."

Her eyes widened abit, a sparkle running through them. "Eren...?" She repeated, as if saying the words herself would make more sence.

"U-uh.... Yes ma'am." Eren stuttered anxiously, offering his hand "nice to meet you!"

Hanji let out a booming laugh, taking his hand and yanking them inside. Eren struggled not to trip, his hand still gripping levis tightly.

"Have a seat eren." She cooed "levi can i talk to you?"

Levi nodded, unlacing his fingers from erens. Earning a slightly panicked look from him.

"L-levi-" Eren whined, trying desperatly to hold onto him.

"Eren let go..." He pulled myself away from eren making him frown.

The brunettes eyes darted towards hanji, a glimmer of jealousy in his eyes. He leaned toward the other male. Their lips pressed together quickly in a short, hot kiss before he let go. Levi stumbled slightly feeling dizzy and dazed before he walked carefully into the kitchen.

"Mind explaining?!" Hanji whispered frantically.

"Well what do you want to know?" He asked, straddling a chair.

"Are you guys .... Dating?"

Levi looked over at eren who was poking at her star wars action figures, with a small smile on his face. They never really discussed their circumstances.

".... Hes mine." Levi replied.

".... Okay...?" She replied slightly confused "so what? Your using him because hes got the same name as your crazy fantasy boy?"

She picked up a banana and tossed it at the man.he flinched as it hit his shoulder and fell to the ground.

"Thats disgusting, levi! Hes only a child, he probally thinks hes in love and your just using him as part of your insane drug game!" She exclaimed raising her voice slightly "this isnt an episode of glee, levi! You dont learn a lesson in 30 minutes then start singing Stevie wonder songs on the subway! Your breaking this boys heart!"

"Im not." He claimed calmly feeling abit guilty though he knew he cared about eren.

"YOU ARE!" She shouted making eren look our way.

Levi blushed, avoiding his gaze and looking at the ground. Hanji lowered her voice again and leaned closer to me.

"Does he even know what your doing to him?" She snarled

"Im not-"

"Does he know hes a toy?"



"Stop...." Levi felt anxiety rush in. The feeling he get when the shadows harass me.

"Your a freak levi."

"Stop..." He pleaded, feeling his chest tighten.

"A screw up-"

"STOP!" This time it wasnt his voice, but erens, as he stood beside levi glaring at hanji.

Levi breathed heavily looking towards his hands. He knows how he feels when he touches eren. Im not using him.... Am i? Erens fingers ran through levis hair, comforting.

"what the hell do you think your doing?" eren spit.

hanji seemed shocked by how forward he was. "who are you talking to?" she snapped back.

"it looks to me like someone who calls themself a friend, but is really just a bitch, who is to jealous to be happy for their friend, who walked all the way out here to talk to you." erens fingers ran across the back of levis neck, giving him goose bumps. "and your just to obsorbed in your own feelings for him to care about his happiness. You dont care unless hes happy because of you!"

hanji stayed silent. her face completely red.

erens attention turned back to levi as he stepped away. "and as for me being a toy. i dont know what the hell it means but im leaving. you dont need to explain anything to me here. " he walked towards the door, stopping just before he opened it. "when you do decide to explain it it me.... ill decide to listen."


Levi walked through yet another maze of doors until he found the old dusty one at the end of the hall. the door that was shadowed, a lack of light bulds making it seem dankier. He remembered when he stayed at erens house the fist time. Eren lay against him tapping tune against his bare chest, with a small smile, watching him fall asleep. Levis fist raised to the door and knocked the melody gently onto the wood. He could still feel his fingertips against his chest. and the only thought that ran through my mind just before someone answered the door was i never want to loose him. the door opened to a tall musculer body. sexy scared spread out against his chest. ffresh, red claw marks ran over his shoulders to his back. seeing him standing, barechested in his underwear made levis heart lurch, suddenly beating hard against his chest.

eren stood in the doorway behind him, his body equally naked.

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