Chapter 2

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So, Ashley tried to go to the abandoned house every single day after school and sometimes on the weekend. So, now it is the weekend and Ashley is going to see Michael. Every single day she would lie to her mother and say that she is going to her friend's house. Ashley, "Hello, Michael, I'm here. That's weird why can't I hear him? I should probably just look for him. Oh there you are, Michael." Emily, "Um, Ashley I don't think that's Michael." Ashley, "How do you know that's not Michael? It looks like him." Emily, "Ashely, no it doesn't." Ashley, "Emily yes it does." Emily, "Ashley you might need to turn around." Ashley, "Fine, I'll turn around just to prove a point that this ghost is actually Michael." So, Ashley turns around and she realizes that the ghost is not Michael. Ashley, "This ghost isn't Michael." Emily, "Please, don't scream Ashley." Ashley, "I won't scream but, I'm confused I thought that Michael said that he was the only ghost that's here." Then, she saw Michael trying to protect her. This ghost wasn't a nice ghost it was an evil ghost.

Michael protecting Ashley just proved how much Michael loves Ashley and how he would do anything for her. What Ashley didn't know is that there was someone watching her, Emily, and Michael. The person that was watching her, Emily, and Michael was a ghost hunter. The ghost hunters name was Ava. I just thought of a random name for the name of the ghost hunter. Ashley, "I thought you were the only ghost." Michael, "These kinds of ghosts are not my friends. Someone is letting these evil spirits roam around LA. If we don't stop these evil spirits then they will probably destroy the whole town." Emily, "Is that bad?" Ashley, "Emily, why are you asking that? Of course it's bad!" Michael, "Oh it's bad alright. We just need to think of a plan to stop this person from unleashing the evil spirits." Ava, "They know about my plans I need to stop them. Maybe I could turn Michael into an evil spirit. I just might have a potion that could do that. But, I need to find a way to give it to him without anybody knowing." 

What Michael didn't know is that pretty soon he would turn into an evil spirit. Michael, "So, we need a plan. Um, Ashley what are you looking at?" Ashley, "Michael you might want to be careful." Michael, "Why would I want to be careful?" Ashley, "Michael, can we talk in private?" Michael, "Sure, where at?" Ashley, "Anywhere but, here." So, Michael and Ashley went up to a place where nobody could here them. Michael, "So, this upstairs in my bedroom." Ashley, "This is where you sleep at?" Michael, "Yeah, this is where I sleep at." Ashley, "It looks dusty." Michael, "Of course it's dusty. Nobody has lived here in years. That's why I moved in here. Because since this house is abandoned nobody could ever find me and I could live in peace. That's what I always wanted. I just wanted to live peace and now that I am a ghost, well I can live in piece." Emily, "I'm confused of how your a ghost. Wasn't your spirit supposed to be off in heaven?" Michael, "Well, I am in heaven. But, my ghost form isn't. I guess there was a part of me that didn't want to fully leave. Sometimes I like to fly over the houses of my fans and watch them to see how they are doing." 

Ashley, "Since I am a fan of your music does that mean that you fly over my house and watch me?" Michael, "Well, kind of. Yeah, I do remember watching you. I just didn't know your name but, now I do know your name." Ashley, "I want to tell you something." Michael, "Sure, you could tell me anything." Ashley, "When we were talking I saw someone spying on us. I was near the window and I heard someone saying how they are going to turn you into an evil spirit. Michael, I don't want you to turn into an evil spirit. What if you forget about everything including me? I just love you too much to lose you." Michael, "Even if I do turn into an evil spirit I'll always be right in your heart." Ashley, "I know that but, I like that your a ghost and I like you being here with me as a ghost. I never told anybody this but, other than Emily you are the only friend that I have." Emily, "Um, hello. I'm your friend or am I all of a sudden invisible to you?" Ashley, "Emily you are my friend." Emily, "Thank you." Ashley, "It's really hard to go to school when you get bullied. We have these mean girls at my school. The leader of the clique is named Britney and ever since I moved Britney has been picking on me and Emily ever since I got there." 

Michael, "Ashley, you can't just let those mean girls be mean to you. All you need to do is to stick up for yourself." Ashley, "Or, you could do something mean to them like put glue in there hair or cut there hair. Maybe you could even ruin their outfits." Michael, "Ashley, I can't do that. It's just not in my heart to be mean to other people. When you go to school all you need to do is to stick up for yourself." Ashley, "Okay, Michael I'll stick up for myself. Michael?" Michael, "Yes?" Ashley, "Can you come to school with me?" Michael, "Why?" Ashley, "Because I don't want you to turn into an evil spirit while I'm at school. If you come to school with me, I could watch you." Michael, "Okay, Ashley I'll come to school with you. But, we still haven't thought of a plan for how we are going to defeat those evil spirits." Ashley, "I know, we will just think of a plan after school." Ava, "Darnit that girl knows of my plans. I have to stop her. If I don't then my plans will be ruined. I have an idea. How about I turn her into a ghost. But, you need to be dead to be a ghost. When she eats this peach she will turn into a ghost forever." Michael, "Oh no, Ashley will turn into a ghost forever I have to warn her." Ava, "Polly waggle when you see the girl give her this peach." 

Character Info: Polly waggle is one of Ava's little ghost minions. Polly waggle wants to be good but he has to listen to his master which is Ava. 

Note: This is not the end of the story, I will update this story on the weekends or whenever I have time off from school.

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