Chapter 7

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Michael, "So, what are we going to do since all of us are free?" Ashley, "Get revenge on Nightamre." Michael, "I don't know I don't think that's a good idea." David, "I love that idea." Michael, "Wow, you look really pretty. What is your name?" Ashley, "My name is Ashley." Michael,  "Well Ashely my name is Michael." Ashley, "I already know your name and I am a huge fan of your music." Michael, "How about we dance?" David, "I could make that arrangable. I wrote some good love songs when I was alive that you two could dance to." So, Ashley and Michael are dancing to Love You Til Tuesday and it felt like they are falling in love all over again." Ashley, "Your not a monster anymore. Your back to yourself." Michael, "Hey, I guess I am!" Love brought him back to normal. Love is the spell that could not make him destroy people. Michael, "Would you like to be my girlfriend Ashley?" Ashley, "I would love to!" David, "So, what's the plan?" Prince, "Are they going to stop staring at each other?" David, "Stop, it Prince! Wait, be quiet, their kissing. Aw, how romantic!" Prince, "Well let's think of an idea to get back at Ashley." Eva, "I have an idea!" David, "Did, you just get here now?" Eva, "Yeah, I did. Aw, look at Ashley and Michael! Don't you think they look cute together?" 

David, "Yeah, they do look cute." Eva, "I have an idea!" Michael, "Well we better help with the plan." Ashley, "So, how are we going to get back at Nightmare?" Eva, "Oh, we just defeat her with her own medicine." Ashley, "What do you mean by that?" Eva, "We build our own army." Nightmare, "So, they are going to build their own army, well I guess I just have to make my own army and use it on them." John, "So, it looks like I better just float. Hey, I'm hungry." Nightmare, "Ha, I got you!" John, "Who are you?" Nightmare, "I'm Nightmare." John, "Um, a person with or a ghost with the name Nightmare sounds like bad news I better get out of here." Nightmare, "Um, no you don't." So, Nightmare is hypnotizing John to destroy Ashley. Nightmare, "You will destroy Ashley. Do, you here me? You will destroy Ashley." John, "I will destroy Ashley." Eva, "Here take this potion." Michael, "What kind of potion? Will it hurt me?" Eva, "No, this potion will just help us destroy Nightmare. Michael, "But, what if I don't want to take it." Eva, "Well do you want to defeat Nightmare." Ashley, "But, I don't think that's a good idea." Eva, "Why isn't it a good idea?" 

Ashley, "Because she turned everybody else into monsters and she's even a monster. Do you want us to be a monster like her?" Eva, "No, fine we'll just defeat her using equipment." So, Ashley and Eva are helping get the equipment. Then Emily came in with a sub. Ashley, "Where have you been?" Emily, "Um, I was at the sub shop." Ashley, "Well we kind of needed your help." Emily, "Oh, wait you did?" Ashley, "Uh, yeah we did." Michael,"Who's that?" Ashley, "This is my friend Emily." David, "I think she looks ravishingly stunning." Emily, "Well thank you David. I have actually been a huge fan of your music. Well a huge fan before you died." David, "I know I was married before I died but, Emily would you like to be my girlfriend? Well, since I'm not married anymore." Emily, "Of course I would be your girlfriend! Actually, it's been my dream to date you." Ashley, "I would hate to ruin this romantic moment but, we need to defeat Nightmare." David, "Oh of course we need to defeat Nightmare." Ashley, "You can stop looking at Emily." David, "Fine, I'll stop looking at her. Later, my love." Then, David kissed Emily's hand and Emily blushed. Eva, "So, I need to make equipment." Ashley, "What do we do?" 

Eva, "You can all just sit there." David, "Well, we can just keep staring at each other." Michael, "Do we do the same? I'm sorry, I have never been in a relationship before." Ashley, "Me neither. Well, mainly I'm not in a relationship because I was always in love with you and no one would date me because they would find it weird that I would be in love with a dead person." David, "So, I'm a pro at this relationship stuff. Well, mainly because I was with Iman before I died. How, about we have a picnic while I play the guitar?" Emily, "I would love that." Eva, "Um, I don't think we could have food in here." Michael, "So, Ashley what do you want to do?" Ahsley, "I don't know." Michael, "Since, I'm a ghost we could go to Disney World." Ashley, "I'm okay with that." Eva, "David, Michael, Emily, and Ashley." Ashley, "What?" Eva, "You all better be back here before I am done with the equipment." Ashley, "Okay we will!" Now, Ahsley and Michael are in Disney World. Ashley, "Wow, it looks so, beautiful here." Michael, "Well, it's beautiful because I'm not being mobbed like I was when I was alive. Now, we are just like normal guests." Ashley, "Don't we need to get a hotel?" Michael, "Well, we are not staying that long remember."

Ashley, "Oh yeah I forgot." Michael, "Let's go on the Dumbo ride." Ashley, "Why?" Michael, "Because it's more beautiful in the night." Ashley, "Wait it's nighttime." Michael, "Of course it's night time. That's when the people don't go to the parks. I'll help get the ride started." So, Michael helped get the ride started and Michael and Ashley are staring at each other and then they kiss. David, "Isn't this romantic!" Emily, "Yeah it is!" Emily, "David, what's wrong?" David, "Nothing's wrong." Emily, "Yes there is." David, "Okay ever since I died I just miss my family. Even though I'm not with Iman anymore I miss her. Do you know how hard it is being a ghost? You don't see your family because your invisible and your not a human." Emily, "Wow, I feel bad. I would feel bad if I can't see my family." David, "You finally understand me." Ashley, "Michael, what's wrong?" Michael, "I just miss my family. I miss my children, I miss my mother. I just miss my family all together. I wish I could see them. Prince, Paris, and Blanket were the ones who made me happy. I feel like my life's not complete without them." Ashley, "But, you have me." Michael, "I know that I have you but, I feel like my life's not complete without my family. I would give everything up, if I could only see them one more time." Ashley, "I feel you Michael." Michael, "You do?" Ashley, "Yeah, I miss my parents too. Ever since I became a ghost." Michael, "Did you die?" Ashley, "No, I didn't die. Nightmare turned me into a ghost on purpose." Michael, "I'm so, glad that I have a person who understands me."

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