9: Approximately Forever

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February the fourteenth dawns bright and surprisingly warm for this time of year. I find myself shrugging out of my jacket as I leave work, planning on heading to the grocery store to pick up a few things. We'd ended up deciding that I'd make dinner and Mallory would bring dessert.

I'm nearly to my car when I hear someone calling me—likely Jared, since he's calling my last name, not my first. I turn back and my suspicions are quickly confirmed.

I raise my hand and wave casually, but I feel a spike of anxiety when he gets close enough to speak and says, "I think we need to have a talk."

"What's up?" I ask, trying to remain nonchalant despite the sudden lump in my throat.

"My office," Jared says.

We make our way back into the studio in uneasy silence, my mind spinning. I gaze at Jared for a long moment as he sits at his desk, wondering what exactly is going on, and why it has my friend so stone-faced.

"Sit down," he invites, and I do as he says. "I'm going to be frank with you. I've heard some rumors around the studio lately, so I thought I'd come straight to the horse's mouth." As he says it, I know exactly what he's going to ask, and I brace myself. "Are you and Mallory dating now?"

"Yes?" My voice betrays me, rising at the end like it's a question. "Yes," I say again, lacing my hands together to avoid making any unconscious, nervous gestures.

"And how long has that been going on?"

"About a month."

"Did you think that it might concern me, if two of my coworkers began seeing each other romantically?"

"It didn't cross my mind," I admit, glancing away.

"I see." His voice turns a little kinder, a friend instead of a higher-up. "Look, you and Mallory are both good friends of mine. I don't want to be the bad guy here, but ultimately, Studio C is my responsibility, and I will be if I have to."

"I understand that." I try to maintain a calm facade, even as I think, He's not going to make us break up, is he?

"I expect you to be able to maintain a certain level of professionalism while at work," Jared said formally. "I ask that there be no public displays of affection, and that all disagreements between you—relationship ending or otherwise—be left at the door,and that you keep the rest of the cast out of them. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir."

He sighs heavily. "If you find you can't abide by those guidelines, I may be forced to take measures more drastic than any of us want." I understand immediately what he means and feel my stomach drop. If you can't follow my rules, I'll have to split you up.

"I don't think that will be necessary."

"I certainly hope not." Jared's eyes turn kinder as he speaks again. "I'm going to say this, as your friend. Think very long and very hard about why you're doing this." I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off. "If you're serious about this, about her, then great. If you're not, then there are plenty of women in the world who you don't work with."

Crossing my arms, I glare at him. "I resent that implication."

"I was hoping you would." He laughs humorlessly. "Tread lightly. There's a lot more at stake here than just your heart."

I purse my lips and blow out a breath, but can't bring myself to say anything else.

Jared leans back. "All right. Guess I need to find Mallory now."

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