13: You Belong To Me

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Compared to ten minutes ago, it seems like Mallory has seen a ghost.

The light's dim enough before we go onstage that I dare grab her hand in the darkness. "You all right?"

"Fine," she murmurs. "I'll tell you when we're finished."

We take our places, Whitney grabbing my hand and Jason wrapping his arm around Mallory. I fight the green-eyed monster that rises up in me, firmly telling myself It's just an act. Mal and I can't play a couple in every sketch—the fans would catch on far too quickly if that was the case. Jeremy and Stephen also take their spots.

The lights go up and the sketch unfolds, the audience laughing in all the right places. Despite her apparent unease, Mallory effortlessly slips into character. The cheering is deafening when we finish, even after we disappear backstage.

"Great job, guys," Jason says, offering us all high-fives before we scramble off to get ready for the next sketch.

The rest of the show goes off without a hitch, but as always, it's going to be late into the night when we're finished getting changed, talking with the fans, and making sure everything is put back in the proper locations.

I haven't had hardly any time to dig my hands into the work when I see Jared gesturing to me from across the room. He's got an older,balding man in a perfectly pressed suit standing next to him; the man holds out his hand when I approach.

"Mr. Meese, I must compliment you on your performance tonight." He takes my hand firmly—a little too firmly, actually.

"Well, yes, thank you." I clear my throat and glance at Jared, waiting for him to shed some light on the situation.

Thankfully, he does. "Matt, this is Allen Ballinger. He's... one of our higher ups."

Ah. An exec. Fun. I paste a smile on my face; the easiest way to deal with this was to smile, wave, and hope that they didn't bother you unless there was a problem. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Ballinger."

"Likewise, of course," says Ballinger. "I'm afraid I can't stay long, but it was a pleasure to be here tonight. I hope to see you both soon."

He pushes his way through the crowd and I glance at Jared, who makes a face at me. "More trouble than they're worth," he says, making me chuckle and nod.

"Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em."

We both head back to what we were doing and I push the thought of Ballinger from my mind. In its place, there's a very irrational part of me that keeps playing the image of Mallory in Jason's arms, despite the fact I'm quite aware that my friend is no threat to me. I'm so oddly obsessed with that picture that her voice by my ear makes me jump. "I'm heading out for the night. You almost done?"

"Nearly," I assure her. "Give me five minutes and I'll walk you to you car, if you want."

I almost expect her to object, but she nods in agreement, her eyes a little wide. There's a powerful urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her out of her mind, to reassert to whatever jealous part of me that yes, she is mine; but there's still plenty of crew members around and we are still, technically, working.

I finish up what I'm doing and offer my goodbyes. Mal's waiting for me at the exit and it takes a conscious effort to keep a steady pace and not break into a run.

She smiles at me when I near and it's only with a deliberate mental count to twenty that I keep my lips off hers until we're through the door and on the sidewalk outside. I feel her whining low in her throat and I pull her closer, hands roaming up her back.

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