11: Take Care of You

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I wake up one bright April morning to my phone buzzing. With a groan, I roll over and find it's only five minutes till my alarm goes off. My annoyance fades and I fumble in the morning light to find my phone. A text from Mallory is what I find.

Won't be at work today. Woke up with a fever and a sore throat, going to crawl back into bed and pretend I don't have any responsibilities.

"Poor thing," I say aloud, running a hand through my hair and remembering that she'd looked a little out of it yesterday.

Hope you feel better soon. Get some rest. <3

I toss my phone back on my nightstand and roll out of bed when my alarm rings. When I get out of the shower, I find Mallory has texted me a simple 'Thanks' and, presumably, gone back to bed.

It feels weird to not see her car in the parking lot when I pull in, or hear her laugh when I enter the studio. The place seems duller, somehow, without her there.

So when we call the day quits, I find myself leaning against the front of my car, fiddling with my keys. One shines more than the rest, the bright silver of a key never used before. My stomach flutters when I look at it—exchanging apartment keys with your girlfriend was, after all, a massive step in a relationship. One that we'd just taken last week.

Hoping she'll appreciate the gesture, I make up my mind.


The key fits the lock effortlessly, though I'm balancing a bag full of takeout and a bottle of ginger ale. I step inside Mal's apartment and shut the door as quietly as I can, then toe off my shoes and leave them by the door. With luck, it'll be enough to keep my footsteps from waking her.

I stow the soda in the fridge and set about making room for the four cartons of soup I'd brought from Benny's. I hadn't known which kind she'd like, so I'd hedged my bets and gotten several, hoping at least one would strike her fancy.

With that all settled, I scribble her a note to let her know I'd been here, retrieve a glass of water and a packet of crackers, and pad down the hallway to her room.

Her door is ajar and the late afternoon light filters through the gap. I nudge the door open wider as quietly as I can, but kick myself when Mallory's blonde head immediately pokes out of the covers.

"Did I wake you?"

She shakes her head but says nothing. I take a few tentative steps in, setting the crackers and water on her nightstand. She stares at my offering for a moment, before looking back to me.

"I brought soup," I offer, feeling awkward and jamming my hands in my pockets. "Wasn't sure what kind you'd want, so I got a few. They're in the fridge whenever you want some."

A smile comes over her pale face and I take it as a 'thank you.' What I'm not expecting is for it to quickly disappear and for her to say, "You can leave now."

Crap. I'd crossed a line, pushed too hard, done something she'd found unacceptable—

"Don't want you getting this," she continues, her voice so harsh it makes my own throat ache in sympathy. "It's awful."

I sigh in relief. She wasn't kicking me out because I'd offended her. "Been with you all week, Mal. If I'm going to get it, I've got it already."

"Point taken."

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