25: That Famous Happy Ending...?

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A/N: Buckle Up Buttercup Warning now back in full effect for the next few chapters. Sorry not sorry.


For the first time in a long while, I feel really, truly happy.

Happy doesn't even do it justice. Perhaps overjoyed would be more apropos. For one, we've finally got a solid plan to get Luke out of our lives once and for all.

For another, she said yes.

Not just once. Not just twice. But the third time, when we're back at my apartment and I finally am on one knee, she says it again, and I've never enjoyed hearing one word more.

A very celebratory make out is cut short by a concerned phone call from Whitney, and before I know it our planned evening at the studio, though delayed, is taking place instead at my apartment.

Our plan from there was to sit casually on the couch, faces straight, and see how long it took everyone to notice the ring on Mal's finger. That plan flies out the window, though, when Jason, Natalie, Stephen, and Whitney walk through the door and Mallory and I can't help but immediately burst into hysterical laughter.

When we finally begin to settle down, the cross look on Jason's face is enough to set us off again. "You asked her without us!" he accuses.

"Sorry, not sorry," I say with a laugh. Mallory's still giggling as we get to our feet. "It's been a bit of a day. And that was my original intent, you know. Before you all invited yourselves to the event."

"You said you weren't going to yet," he says.

"I wasn't. It's a long story."

Before another word is spoken Whitney is wrapping my fiancée—my fiancée—up in what must be suffocating hug. Natalie joins them shortly and I can't quite make out what they're saying besides the occasional word—like 'married,' 'ring,' and 'gorgeous.'

This stupid grin is not going to be leaving my face for a long, long time.

Jeremy appears in the doorway, followed shortly by Stacey, and before long everyone in the cast is crowded around my apartment, drinking soda and eating chips and having the best time we've had together in a long while.

It was inevitable that someone would eventually ask about the sudden change of location. It ends up being Adam.

Mal has worked her way back to my side by then, and we glance at each other before either of us answer. She ends up telling the tale, but I'm the one to explain the plan.

"And we're going to need your help, guys."


Just heard some BIG news! Can't wait to tell you guys!

Stacey is the first one to take to Twitter with a teaser. He's followed by most of the rest of the cast, in their own ways at their own times. Every update is vague—just a hint at some big story to come.

After over a month, the fans have worked themselves into a frenzy. Of course, quite a few of them jumped immediately to the 'Mattory' conclusion, but as always we give no hints either way.

Eventually we set a date and time for a live event. Hopefully the combination of a live audience and an online one will make the perfect storm.

Hopefully Luke is watching.

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