Oneshot: Twas The Night (Mallory's POV)

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A/N: So those of you who have followed me over into Chase The Wind and now Walk The Earth know I'm writing some pretty rough stuff right now, and it's jamming up the muse big time. So I decided, after fighting with that all day and barely making any sort of dent, that I needed a fluff break. Hence, this, which was super fun and turned out to be exactly what I needed. It was very interesting to go back and write a scene from a different point of view six months after writing the original. So I'm going to pose a question to you all: are there any other scenes you'd like to see redone from the opposite point of view--or maybe a different point of view entirely? Any bits in between the official chapters you'd like to see expanded a little more? The updates will be infrequent, done as I get the inspiration for them, but I do miss the simplicity and innocence of this story compared to CTW/WTE and I'm enjoying taking another look at it.


I'm being foolish.

That's my first thought as I stand in Whitney and Stephen's living room, a comfortably warm mug in each hand. I'm being absolutely foolish and it's going to get me in trouble.

Matt hasn't realized I'm here yet, and for a moment I bite my lip and hesitate. I could always hand him the drink and leave him to whatever sleepy introspection he's currently indulging in, but even as I have the thought I know I'm not capable of it.

I've always cared for him a little more deeply than I probably should. I attribute it to the positively rabid shipping of our fans and don't think any more of it. Well, I say I don't, but there are the occasional moments when I do.

On days like today, for instance, when an ex-boyfriend calls me up out of the blue and invites me out for dinner. Luke Saxon had received a resounding rejection on that count, but he'd succeeded in poking that small, sore spot in me that's just a little lonely.

Why should I be lonely? I've got some of the best friends in the universe, I love my job, and I'm far happier after ditching Luke then I ever have been when with any former boyfriend.

So why am I staring at the man in front of me like the mere sight of him quenches every thirst I could ever have?

I blow out a breath and shove the thought away, taking another step toward the couch. "Matt?"

For a moment I wonder if he's actually fallen asleep, before warm brown eyes blink open and meet mine. He straightens up under my gaze.

Neither of us speak for a long moment. "You all right?" I finally ask, taking the last few strides between where I stand and the couch before settling next to him. "You disappeared on us." It wasn't like him to just wander off in the middle of an event, especially not one that had shaped up to be as relaxed and pleasant as tonight.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he says. "Just... getting a headache."

"Oh," I say rather dumbly, then internally roll my eyes. You're so smooth, Mallory. After a moment, I thrust one of the mugs of apple cider at him. "Here. I thought you might want some."

He takes it from me carefully, taking a whiff before he sips it. "Thanks, Mal," he says, sighing and looking over at me again. "Sorry for bailing on you guys. I got all of two hours of sleep last night. There was a huge car accident outside my apartment and there were sirens blaring all night." I cringe in sympathy. "I could fall asleep right here."

"You and me both," I find myself blurting, shifting positions a little. "One of my neighbors set off the fire alarm making fish sticks at three in the morning." Matt snorts with laughter and I find a smile starting to tug on the corner of my lips, even as I roll my eyes at him. "Nobody got hurt, but it got everyone out of bed."

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