29: Kings, Pawns, and Closing Gambits

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A/N: Next to last chapter, guys. Deep breaths, everyone! (And keep and eye out for a New Thing that's going to be coming out tomorrow ;D If you catch the reference at the end of this chapter, it's a preeeeetty big hint.)


I wake sober.

While it's a relief to have a clear head, I quickly find myself weighing the balance between 'thinking straight' and 'not feeling like I'm dying.'

There is one big fat advantage in the clear head category-I can take the time to fully appreciate the fact my fiancée is sleeping quite peacefully against my side. Well, at my side, half on top of me, same difference. At least I was with it enough last night-this morning?-to make sure she stayed on my left. I guess it was right of me to keep her on my left. Ha.

Maybe I wasn't quite as sober as I thought I was.

I lift my hand from her waist to tangle it in her hair and she shifts in her sleep to compensate. I try to ignore the glancing pain that goes through me as she does, because there's very little in the world more precious to me than the sight of her dozing and I can't bring myself to wake her.

"You're so beautiful," I can't help but murmur. Mallory sighs and I wonder if my voice was enough to slip into her subconscious.

I try to take a deep breath but oh, now that hurt. Looks like I was going to have to trade in my clear head sooner rather than later.

Before much time passes there's a chirpy voice nearby and the privacy curtain around my bed is being pulled aside. "Good morning!" the nurse starts, but her jaw falls open when she steps inside. "What is this?" she shrieks.

I groan. "Can you not-" I start, but it's too late; Mallory's already stirring against me and I hear her take in a deep, waking breath.

The nurse is still chattering away and her voice is so high it's practically above my hearing range, so I tune her out. Instead, I find myself focusing on the blonde in my arms. "Hello."

"Hi." She turns to look at me. "Are you still loopy?"

"Nah." I have to blink a few times to get her face to focus. "Okay, maybe a little."

"...not even listening to me!" comes the nurse's outraged voice.

Another voice comes through and I see an older man in scrubs standing next to her. "Oh, quit acting like you've never seen a couple of people in love before." He shoots me a wink and I start to chuckle, though quickly stop when the motion sends another wave of pain through me.

The nurse gives an outraged huff and turns away after a moment, leaving just the older man. With a good-natured chuckle, he coaxes Mallory from my side and I regret the loss of her as soon as she sits up. I hope she's listening to what he's saying because before long I've got more medication in me and I'm starting to feel a little... floaty.

At some point the cast comes to visit, although I have the sneaking suspicion I dozed off in the middle, because one moment they're there, the next I close my eyes, and when I open them again everyone's gone.

Mallory is always there, though.


The next day the doctors change whatever they had me on and I'm far more lucid. I almost think Mallory's a little disappointed, because I've certainly give her enough fuel the past few days for a couple years' worth of teasing.

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