15: Love Always Burns, And We're Burning

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There's a rage building inside me, the likes of which I haven't felt in years, as I stalk away from the break room. Off to the side, there was a hint of sadness, something like grief, but I pushed it aside. As much as it pained me, I could understand why Mal had denied my offer of comfort. I'd sent Whitney her way instead, because if I couldn't be by her side then her best friend was the next best thing.

My feet bring me to the stage, because this place is home to me more than any apartment ever could be. It's silent and looming before me, a far cry from the lively warmth it had been last night.

Last night. Our precious moment now has a sick, corrupted twist to it, now that I know Luke Saxon had been watching—perhaps even listening to me bare my soul to her—the entire time.

And then he had the audacity to come and speak to me after, to pretend he was trying to help me when pictures of moments he had no business sticking his nose in probably sat on a phone in his pocket. The letter he'd given me had been a threat, not a warning. My hands ball into fists and it's only the intense respect I have for this stage that keeps me from putting a hole through one of its walls.

Instead, I slide to the floor, wrapping my arms around my knees and leaning my head against the wall. I shut my eyes, trying to calm down, but all I can think of is that a revengeful ex might have just cost me my job... or, worse still...

He might have cost me Mallory.

She promised you forever, I tell myself. Is this really going to be what splits you up?

If it was going to be anything, I think morbidly, then this would do it.

I don't have time to go any further down that train of thought, because even with my eyes closed I sense a presence next to me. I open one eye, then the other. Jason's sitting beside me, his posture more relaxed than mine but concern written all over his face. "What?" I can't quite keep myself from snapping.

"Talk to me, Matt." There is no question in his words; it's a demand, albeit a polite one.

"And tell you what? Tell you that I got jealous and possessive for no real reason and someone took advantage of my idiocy and they may have just stolen away both my job and the love of my—" I click my jaw shut, swallowing back the last word.

"You going to finish that sentence?" I can't help but glare at him. He shrugs. "Guess I'll finish it for you then. Love of your life, huh?"

"Yeah," I say finally. "Yeah, she is."

"'Bout time you two admitted it."

"The sentiment's nice, Jason but I..." I clear my throat. "I think it might be too late."

Jason sighs. "You're going to have to back up a little, because I'm lost. What on earth happened?"

The story spills out of me. I tell him of the jeering crowd we'd met in the parking garage and of Luke meeting me and giving me his letter; by the time I've reached Ballinger leaving Jared's office Jason's got a glimmer of anger in his eyes that I rarely see from him.

We sit in silence when I run out of things to say. I scrub a handover my face, trying to think of something to say or do that could make things better.

"It doesn't make sense," I finally burst out. "Whitney and Stephen are married and that's no big deal, but suddenly Mal and I get together and it is?"

Jason winces. "You've got Ballinger you're dealing with, yeah?" At my nod, he continues, "That'd do it. At least, that's the only thing I can think of that would do it. I heard some... not very savory things about him when he took the position a few weeks ago. Stuff I probably shouldn't repeat, honestly. I'd go talk to Jared if I were you. He'll work something out and this'll all blow over in a couple weeks."

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