Closing Author's Note

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And that's (not quite) all she wrote! There will be an epilogue posted tomorrow so stay tuned for that. While the main story is over, I'll be coming back and updating this with the occasional oneshot and deleted scene, because not every idea I had in my head made it into this story. I'm not sure exactly what timeline I'll be posting them, but they'll work their way up here eventually.

In other news, I have some new stories coming up: The Impossibles, an original story about four people who can't die. It's going to be a slower paced story and by its own nature updates will probably be infrequent. Never fear, though, my fellow Mattory addicts! I have also just posted the prologue of Chase The Wind, a Studio C/Doctor Who crossover (which was, yes, loosely inspired by @404lifenotfound's The Switch). I will NOT be updating that story daily as I did here, though because keeping up that writing schedule for a month was really, really intense. I will be posting the first official chapter of Chase The Wind sometime in the next few days, though, so make sure you add it to your library!


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