Chapter Nineteen (Touch - Troye Sivan)

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I woke up, it was morning and I felt overwhelmingly tired. All I wanted was to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. My head hurt, my body was aching and I had no idea why.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the face of the most beautiful person in the world and immediately I forgot all my worries, because this was worth waking up for.

Troye was still asleep, his curls were messed up and I wanted to touch them so bad, but I didn't. We weren't laying in the same bed - there was a gap between us and we were as close to each other as we could possibly be.

It was my second day in Australia, yesterday Tyler and I had arrived, we had participated in Tyde's birthday party and kidnapped Troye afterwards. We talked a lot and eventually we all went to sleep in the early morning hours.

Last night, Troye had admitted that he had a crush on someone. A YouTuber from America, to be specific. Someone that wasn't exactly out of the closet yet. We had kept guessing who it could be until the realization hit me and I stopped Tyler from asking any further questions. He still seemed to be oblivious by then and I wasn't sure if my idea was right, but I didn't want to know the truth, to be honest.

Because maybe Troye had made the same mistake as I did.

Which would be great and terrifying at the same time. There were thousands of options, but one of them scared me to death whilst it still seemed appealing. I was torn and I had no idea how to react if it was true, so I preferred to seem clueless.

I lay there for hours watching Troye in his sleep in the least creepy way possible. Eventually, he woke up, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him - and neither could he. His big blue eyes were wandering over my hair and my face and I regretted staying in bed because I could've got ready by now.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer", I finally teased him, because I knew that someone would have to speak up.

Instead of replying he stuck out his tongue and kept staring at me whilst I did the same thing. I laughed quietly because he was actually adorable and pushed my phone over towards him.

"You know, Tro, I mean it - who knows when we'll see each other again in a situation like this?" I tried to stay calm whilst saying that, but my heart started beating faster at the imagination of waking up next to Troye every day.

He grabbed my phone, took a few photos and threw it over towards me afterwards.

"You know", he spoke up, "you can use that pictures for your Insta - or are they not aesthetic enough?" He concluded his question with a wink and I couldn't help but smile at him. I quickly sent the pictures to his phone among some others that were taken a while ago. Immediately he was clutched to his phone and I took the chance to take some photos of him as well. When he noticed he started smiling at me and my heart melted away. Yes, I was crushing on Troye big time and there was no way I could deny it. I posted some of the pictures taken on Twitter and he liked them only seconds later when Tyler suddenly groaned in his sleep. We both started giggling because it was literally to funny.

"Who do you think he's dreaming off?", Troye asked me, his voice on barely audible.

"I don't know, man", I laughed though I had a few ideas, that were not too much to my liking, "but if I would have to guess, I would say it's you."

"Me?" He seemed puzzled. "Why that?"

"Because he has been incredibly excited to meet you again - he wouldn't shut up about you ever since we made the plans for our journey", I explained to him.

"So you haven't been excited to see me?" Troye's voice was serious and I felt my cheeks heat up, darting my eyes to the ground. I had no idea what to say, but I had to tell him the truth. Somehow.

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