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I nearly dropped the bowl out of shock. Oh shit i completely forgot to pick up my underwear and bra! What will i tell her? I know!

"I was mad at myself for sleeping in so late so i ripped my bra up then i stomped to the drawer to get a new one and the one that i wanted was covered by those panties so i just ripped it out and threw it behind me i guess landing in that same spot. What did you think happened?" I told her like it was no big deal. Then i heard her go "Hmm okay. If that's all." Before going into the bathroom.

Wow i can't believe she bought that… Wow Cake. That makes me think highly of her intelligence…

Soon she came back down and i was just mindlessly stirring and adding salt when i thought it was needed. She made me give her a taste so i did. She nodded her head and said it was good. Then she strained the spaghetti and i continued to stir the sauce. Finally it was done. I sat down at the table and ate, my mind raced with thoughts of Marshall. Some not too nice… I had to shake my head free of them since i was getting turned on in front of Cake and it was really embarrassing. I mean she didn't know obviously but I did…

"Hey Cake." I said with a mouth full of spaghetti. I had to ask her something that has been on my mind forever…

"Yeah suga?"

"Uh.. What do you think about Marshall Lee..?" I looked down at my bowl and twirled the strands on my fork just looking for something to do. She stopped eating and looked at me, throughout what i could see out of my peripherals like she was searching for something.

"Whachu mean?"

"I mean like… Do you like him… Like- do you think he's a nice guy?" I bit my lips waiting for her reaction.

"Hon" she put a paw on my arm and i tensed for a second, waiting for her to say she hates him "Frankly he scares the shit out of me. But…" Wait! But? "He's sweet to you. That's all i care about. I think i know why you're asking me this." She smiled at me giving the 'if you know what i mean look' and pouted her fork at me and continued to get food and put it in her mouth. Never once breaking the gaze.

"Wh-Why do you think i'm asking, its just a question." I stammered and put my unoccupied hand on my forehead and looked down at my bowl, stabbing my fork into the food, creating a loud noise, trying to hide my blush from her suspecting face.

"Sug. You like him don't you." The corners of her lips raised slightly and her eyes widened in anticipation.

"Maybe i don't know…" I mumbled. But i can't hide things from her. I feel awful when i do and hiding all this from her was actually starting, now that i think about it, to stress me out.

"Uh huh.." She nodded, knowing her, she knew exactly what was going on.

I couldn't take it anymore. I threw my fork down into my bowl so it made a loud clatter and i thrust my hands into my hair and i looked at her with what i thought was a look of craze. "OKAY! I do! I have never felt this way about anyone! He makes me feel things i didn't know i could! Physically and emotionally and it feels so good i never want it to go away! I think i may even love him when i see him my stomach ties in knots and my knees feel like they're going to collapse! I don't know what to do i think he feels the same, i'm actually most positive but i don't know what to think what to tell people will they judge me i just DON'T KNOW!" It all came out in one breath because i was talking so fast and i had to take in a deep breath before i could throw my head down on the table, my hands fisting the hair on the back of my head. Cake sat there looking at me dumbfounded and i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Sweetie. Just trust your heart. I can't answer all your questions sug," i raised my head, my hands still fisting my hair, to see Cake grabbing our bowls and turning to walk to the sink to wash them out. "But what i can tell you… Is to trust your heart and trust Glob that He will make things okay." Then she went mute turning on the faucet and started scrubbing. I sat all the way up slowly, taking my hands from the back of my head and putting them on my thighs, my back against the back of the chair.

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