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I ran up the stairs. To afraid to think. What if....

I heard a bark. Running into the livingroom I was met by a female golden retriever puppy.

"OMG!!!!!" I screached. The dog whimpered as I dopped to my knees and imbaced her in a big hug. She squirmed in my arms trying to break free.

I looked up at my parents to see that they were smiling. 

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Luna" My mom answered. "It means Moon in spanish." She said winking.

I knew of course that Luna ment moon, it was the name I always wanted my dog to have, well if I ever got one. Wich I now have. 

I let go of Luna so she could move around. She lunged to my left and then to my right as if she wanted to play.

"Here honey, Luna loves this." My dad said throwing a squiky toy that looked like a squirrel across the room.

I reached out, but before I could catch it Luna jumped up and snatched it out of the air. She landed in my brothers lap. "Umph" He said. We all started laughing.


"Luna!" I yelled. "Where are you?" I asked in a babyish voice. I heard paws scrambling down the stairs. She bolted threw my door and onto my bed. "Hey!" I said as her tall started hitting me in the face. She rolled over and laid across my legs, her warmth immediatly searing through me. 

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Good night my lovely Luna." I heard a bark and shortly after I fell asleep.

Ross' POV

The next day I woke up early. Six to be exact, I grunted and fell onto my bed once more. Emma would be getting ready for school, right?

I picked up my phone and sent a good morning text to her. I waited...... and waited....... still waited. No reply, really. I checked my phone, nope, no texts at all.

I got up and looked out the window. It was pretty dark out, a girl was walking her dog. Poor her, she had to be out there in the cold because she had a dog.

She had stopped on the sidewalk watching our house. She bent down next to her companion as if talking to him/her, then looking back at the house. I looked closer, she looked a lot like Emma. But Emma didn't have a dog, she would have told me.

I looked even closer, she had blown hair, and..... I sighted something hanging around her neck. Was that a r5 pick neklace? Suddenly I realised that it was, in fact, Emma. 

I was suddenly in a rush to get dressed, brushing my teeth, not even careing about my hair. 

Thirty seconds later I burst ot the door to find that Emma was no longer there. I ran to the sidewalk, looking left then right. There! She was walking shakily as if she was afraid. I got very protective, no way was I going to let her walk alone in the dark todey, tomorrow or any other day. EVER!

"Emma!" I shouted, as I started running. She turned around and had a surprised look on her face, then itchanged to what looked like relief.

I pulled her in fore a huge but was stopped by the dog. It started growling and barking.

"What the... Luna. This is Ross, he's ok, he's nice." Emma said comforting the dog. It stopped making all that noise but still glared at me.

Emma looked up at me and she smiled. "Ross, meet Luna." 

I nodded and smiled, obviously it was a girl. "Is she ours, I didn't know you had a dog." I said. Honestly I hopped Luna wasn't Emma's dog, don't get me wrong I love animals but this dog did not like me.

"Yeah she is, I got her as an early christmas gift last night." Emma said smiling.

Great, I thought. She got a puppy. How am I suppost to top that?

"Oh ok" I said. Probably a little to grumply. Emma's smile faded. "What, don't you like dogs, are you alergic?" I shook my head.

"Then what's wrong?" She asked obviously annoyed.

"I just don't like that your out here alone." I muttered.She gave me a sceptic look. "Is there something you want to say?" She said with anger in her voice.

Luna started growling. I stared at the dog, I don't know why, but I felt like she was my enemy. Like she was there to take Emma away from me.

Emma picked her up. "You hate her." She stated. "Don't you?"

I looked away as she walked passed me, walking home. 

I turned around. "Is saturday still on?" I asked remembering our first date. 

"Don't get you hopes up." She growled back over her shoulder.

I mentaly kicked myself for what just happened. Seriously Ross, over a dog not liking you, your such an idiot!


I was sitting in the livingroom with the rest of the family. It was around ten thirty, man the perks of being homeschooled.

"So you freaked yout because a puppt didn't like you?" Rocky said on the tip of cracking up.

"Yeah." I spat. My mom took my hand, "She'll come around. But you have to apologies before anything can happen.

I sighed, pulled out my phone and texted Emma that I was sorry. 

"What did you just do?" Rydel asked. I showed her my phone as Riker facepalmed me and Rocky growned. "Really Ross!" They all exclaimed.

Emma's POV

I was in math class, not doing anything in particular. I was to mad at Ross to do anything. Laural nudged me, bringing me back to reality. 

"You ok?" She asked. I took a deep breath and told her about my situation. 

"So does that mean that your not together anymore?" Laural asked thoughtfully.

I thought for a moment. "I don't know, we were going on our first date on saturday, but that's clearly not going to happen." My phone started to buzz. I pulled it out of my back pocket to see that it was Ross. I glanced at Laural, then unlocked my phone and read a single word, sorry.

I looked up at the white board. Really, how dare he? Did he really think that a sorry whould make up for what he said? He's dead meat.

Woah! Rage, Emma get a grip.

Hey, OMG thanks for the 100 reads. So exited!

Thanks, Emma

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